Battle of Coral Sea
Battle of Philippine Sea
Battle of Midway
Battle of Okinawa
Battle of Guadacanal

When did the Battle of Coral Sea take place?

May 4-8, 1942


When was the Battle of Philippine Sea?

19-20 June 1944


He was the U.S. Navy admiral in overall command of U.S. forces during the Battle of Midway.

Admiral Chester W. Nimitz


The Battle of Okinawa directly influenced this U.S. decision, leading to the end of WWII just months later.

use of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki


This U.S. Navy ship, heavily damaged by Japanese torpedoes during the Guadalcanal campaign, became a symbol of American resilience.

What is the USS Enterprise (CV-6)


The Battle of the Coral Sea marked the first time in naval history that this occurred, as neither fleet saw the other's ships directly.

first naval battle fought entirely by aircraft


What two aircraft carriers were sunk during the Battle of Philippine Sea?

IJN Taiho and IJN Shokaku


The U.S. Navy cracked this code, providing critical intelligence that helped anticipate the Japanese attack on Midway.

JN-25 (the Japanese naval code)


How many days did the Battle of Okinawa last for?

82 days


Which ship did the five Sullivan Brothers serve on during the Battle of Guadacanal?

USS Juneau (CL-52)


What 4 Carriers were present at the battle?

USS Lexington

USS Yorktown

IJN Shokaku

IJN Zuikaku


This U.S. admiral, who commanded the 5th Fleet during the Battle of the Philippine Sea, was a key figure in the victory.

Admiral Raymond A. Spruance


This U.S. Navy aviator earned the Medal of Honor for his extraordinary heroism as commander of the torpedo bombers during the battle, attacking without fighter cover.

Lieutenant Commander Eugene E. Lindsey


The U.S. Navy suffered heavy losses from kamikaze attacks at Okinawa, but this ship, later preserved as a museum in Texas, played a crucial role in air defense.

USS Texas


This Chief Petty Officer's efforts in managing damage and leading his teams under fire were pivotal during the Battle of Guadalcanal.

Chief Petty Officer Charles L. Smith


He commanded the U.S. naval forces at the Battle of the Coral Sea, later becoming famous for his leadership at the Battle of Midway.

Admiral Frank J. Fletcher


The U.S. Navy’s defensive tactics during the battle, including tight coordination of aircraft and ship-based anti-aircraft fire, became known by this nickname.

the "Great Marianas Turkey Shoot"


These carrier-based dive bombers were responsible for delivering the decisive blows that sank four Japanese carriers during the battle.

Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bombers


The Battle of Okinawa was a key part of this U.S. strategy to capture islands closer to Japan for future assaults.

island hopping


Serving aboard the USS Enterprise, this Chief Petty Officer played a crucial role in maintaining the ship's readiness and operational capability, which was vital during the campaign around Guadalcanal.

Chief Petty Officer Thomas W. Hagan


Who was the Chief that was awarded a Medal of Honor posthumously for their actions during the battle? 

Chief Water Tender Oscar Peterson


What was the significance of the Battle of Philippine Sea

End of Japanese Carrier Power


This pilot from the USS Enterprise earned the Medal of Honor for leading a successful dive-bomber attack on the Japanese carrier Kaga.

Lieutenant Commander Richard H. Best


This Chief Petty Officer on the USS Bunker Hill played a critical role in damage control after the ship was struck by two kamikaze planes during the Battle of Okinawa.

Chief Petty Officer Robert L. Howard


This Chief Petty Officer from the USS San Francisco played a crucial role in damage control during the naval engagements around Guadalcanal.

Chief Petty Officer Robert L. Howard