Alternate Perspectives
On the Home Front
Military Roles
Success & Defeat

Why was it difficult to get a job or housing in Canada during WWII if you had German, Italian, or Japanese heritage? 

"Connection to the axis" 


Who filled the roles left by conscription in Canadian workforce?



What was the name of the women's military division that provided medical care to soldiers during battle?

Nursing Sisters


What mode of transportation did Canada manufacture in large quantities for the allied military during WWII?

Airplanes (Hawker Hurricanes) and/or navy ships (Destroyers) 


What other historic event was happening in Canada at the same time as WWII that meant Indigenous contributions were often unrecognized?

Residential School System


Name an area of Canadian industry that experienced a huge boom during WWII

Shipbuilding, airplanes, ammunitions, fabric, grain production 


What was the name of the Indigenous group of soldiers who sent secret messages across enemy lines during WWII?

Cree Code Talkers

What two unexpected landforms led to the Canadian Army's defeat during the raid of Dieppe?

Pebbly Beaches and steep cliffs 


Why were low-income women often not able to take the new employment opportunities the arose during WWII?

Lack of education, child care expenses

Canada supplied most of Britain's ______ during WWII

Grain/Food supplies


In what division of the military did women work both in traditional housekeeping and in roles responsible for navigation and code breaking? 

Women's Canadian Army Corps (WCAW)


Where in Canada was the Navy directly attacked by U-Boats during WWII?

The Gulf of Saint Lawrence 


What major event happened before WWII that contributed to limiting Jewish immigration in Canada?

The Christie Pits Riot

What new medical invention was created by Canadian doctors and nurses during WWII?

Blood donations


Why was the parachute battalion important to Canada's success at Juno Beach?

Placed Canadian troops farther beyond enemy lines 

What was the name for the area of the Atlantic ocean where the majority of large scale attacks happened during the Battle of the Atlantic?

The Black Pit (middle of the Atlantic ocean)


In what military division did skilled women train men for a job they were not allowed to do themselves?

RCAF (Air Force Pilots) 


What were two common messages citizens may see shared in propaganda posters during WWII?

Buy war bonds, join the military, stay hopeful, join the workforce 

What was the name of the Canadian navy division that shipped supplies across the Atlantic ocean?

The Merchant Navy


During the Battle of Normandy, what were the two ways the Allies tricked the Axis into thinking the attack was happening elsewhere?

Spreading false information and using a "dummy" army