A political system headed by a dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and often racism and no tolerance of opposition
Which country did Hideki Tojo become the Dictator in?
Britain and France
At the beginning of the war Americans wanted to stay out, they preferred we practice what type of foreign policy?
What is the name of the draft Roosevelt inacted?
Selective Training and Service Act
What is V-E Day?
Victory in Europe
A place where a person is detained or confined, like the Jews during the Holocaust
Concentration Camps
Benito Mussolini
What is the name of the Pact between Hitler and Stalin, which involved the invasion and division of Poland?
German-Soviet Nonagression Pact
Destroyers for Bases was a deal between which 2 countries
The U.S. and Great Britain
What is the name of the group of African American pilots during WWII?
Tuskegee Airmen
Which President sign the authorization to drop the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
President Truman
Giving in to the unjust demands of belligerent leaders in order to avoid war
What is the name of the pact that led to the forming of the Axis Powers?
Tripartite Pact
What countries did Hitler annex right away?
Austria and Czechoslovakia
What took place in the morning of December 7th, 1941
The attack on Pearl Harbor
What is the name of the group who provided the army the ability to use a different language in military operations?
Navajo Code Talkers
What event in the "Pacific" led Americans to believe the Japanese would take brutal measure to defeat us?
Bataan Death March
materials needed for fighting war
Strategic Materials
What is the name of the 1st pact between Germany and Italy?
Rome-German Axis
The invasion of which country led France and Great Britain to declare war on Germany, thus officially starting WWII?
This act allowed U.S. President Roosevelt to lend, lease or sell military supplies to countries that were vital to the security of the United States.
The Lend-Lease Act
What does W.A.C stand for?
Women's Army Corps
Manhattan Project
A national policy of actively trading with foreign countries to foster peace and prosperity
What are 3 od the 4 causes of WWII? These causes all led to the Rise of Hitler in Germany
Economic Factors
Treaty of Versailles
Fear of Communism
Weak Democracies
What european conflict took place before the official start of WWII, showing the unity between Germany and Italy?
Spanish Civil War
What did Roosevelt describe as our 4 Freedoms.
Freedom of Speech, Worship, Want, Fear
What is the name of the campaign used by non military African Americans to promote victory abroad and on the homefront in fighting racism?
Double V
What was Germany's last major line of defense?
The Rhine River