She was giving a speech about d........... the p...........
dismantling the patriarchy
But the last two years, you've been the breadbringer
a tightwad
a person who hates to spend or give money
О чем ты думаешь?
Penny for your thoughts
We were very happy for the first few years. And then, ... h..... b..... l.....
all hell broke loose
If I put Rob up the defense, it will affect our marriage.
If I put Rob on the defensive, it will affect our marriage.
extremely angry
Как ты не рассказала мне о своей новой интрижке?
How come you didn't tell me you had a new hookup?
After you unpack, invite us over. I'll ...... ........ .... ...... ...... all the neighbors.
give you the skinny on
He's committing adulthood.
He's committing adultery.
act militant
to act as a person who uses, or is willing to use, force or strong pressure to achieve their aims, especially to achieve social or political change
Возможно она даже не знает, что Роб женат. - ой, эти шалавы всегда все знают
She might not even know that Rob is married. - Oh, those tramps always know.
Actually, it's my wife. She requires a little ...... .......
face time
As much as it would cheer me up to commit a crime, I think you should go.
to commit a felony
She's in a dark place lately.
She's depressed / devastated
Забавно, мой первый муж любил выпивку больше меня
It's funny, my first husband liked booze more than me.
you will not ....... me that ..........!
deny me that pleasure
You might condescend her
As much as it would cheer me up to commit a crime, I think you should go.
to commit a felony