When I am mad, I should....
5 finger breathing, punch your pillow, ask for a hug, hug yourself
what game has the most games in it.
My fists are clenched, my face is scrunched, I make a groan sound. I feel...
mad, frustrated
what is one of the most famous games.
Someone spilled my milk at lunch. I should..
when i am hurt i should...
tell a teacher go to the office.
what game has mini games and lego events.
I feel too shy to talk, but I don't want to be rude either. I should...
Tell a safe adult (Mom, Teacher) that I'm feeling too shy to talk. Then I can take a break and some deep breaths and remind myself, "I am brave."
I forgot my backpack at home today and it had something in it that I really needed today. What should I do?
Tell the teacher. Wait until tomorrow.
When I'm annoyed with a friend, I should..
tell them to stop.
When I don't know how to do something, I should..
ask someone you trust.
I want to scream "STOP". I roll my eyes. I cover my ears. I feel...
When I'm nervous about presenting my project in front of the whole class, I should..
take a deep breath and say in my brain i got this.
My heart is racing, I want to run away. My hands are shaky and sweaty and I feel like I might be sick. I feel...