fact vs fiction
Different things X-rays can detect
History of X-rays
Fun facts!

X-rays were discovered accidentally 

Real! X-rays weee discovered by the German Physicist Wilhelmina Conrad Roentgen accidentally while he was doing experiments on florencent vacuum tubes!


Has to do with fractures, dislocations, infections in the bones, arthritis and osteoporosis

Bone conditions or anything along those lines


Out of which of these dates were X-rays first used? A) December 1894 B) January 1896 C) July 1943 D) March 1966

B! X-rays were first used in January 1896!


Have X-rays helped NASA see into space?

Yes, X-rays have helped NASA see into space because many stars can strip materials from the star resulting in a disk of very hot gas. 


X-rays cause cancer

Myth! Even though radiation can lead to cancer there is only a minimal amount of radiation that X-rays emit. 


Has to do with pneumonia and collapsed lungs

Lung conditions or anything along those lines


Was the scientist who discovered X-rays given a Nobel prize and if so for which one out of these options A) physics B) chemistry C) medicine D) peace. 

Yes, the scientist was given a Nobel prize for physics in 1901!


What word does the “X” in X-ray stand for? A) beam B) bone scanner C) unknown D) ray

C! In German X-ray translates to unknown beam or ray. The “x” is used in math to indicate an unknown quantity. It was a fitting name because originally it was a mystery on how it would be used. 


X-rays cause harmful side effects

Myth! X-rays don’t cause any side effects!


Has to do with the heart

Congestive heart problems or anything along those lines


In what century did the use of X-rays go up rapidly? A) the 19th century B) the 20th century C) the 21st century

B! In the 20th century the use of X-rays went up a ton due to the advancements in imagine technology and the devolpment of techniques like fluoroscopy and CT scans. 


Can you study are with X-rays?

Yes, you can study are with X-rays while conserving the art!


Is it possible to combine X-rays with microscopes 

Real! X-rays are invisible to the human eye so scientists using an X-ray microscope expose film or use an X-ray detector to absorb X-rays that pass through samples.


Has to do with children swallowing an object

Detection of foreign objects or anything along those lines


What was the first name of the Scientist who discovered X-rays? A) Benjamin B) Stefan C) Wilhelm D) Arnold

The answer is C! German scientist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered X-rays!

are X-rays visible to the human eye?

No, X-rays are invisible to the human eye although X-rays are able to penetrate through materials and show images they are beyond the visible spectrum so we can only see them with special equipment. 


X-rays can make you radioactive

Myth! You do not get exposed to lingering radiation and X-rays aren’t trapped in your body they only pass through it. 


Has to do with aortic aneurysm (a bulge in the aorta)

Blood vessel problems or anything along those lines


Were X-rays used in WW1 and if so most commonly for finding what? A) finding broken body parts B) looking for heart problems C) locating bullets in the body

The answer is C! In WW1 the X-ray was used to locate bullets and shrapnel in the soldiers body’s. 


Can certain animals use X-rays as well?

Yes, bats use echolocation which is similar to how X-rays can bounce back and give an image.