Chinese Inventions
Double Letter Words
NFL Draft
The French Revolution

Before colored beds were released, this color was the only color that a bed could be.

What is red?


Used in many classrooms today, This was created in China using trees and bamboo.

What is paper?


Attempt to find something

What is seek?


Similar to how many teams are in the NFL, there are this many first round picks in the NFL Draft.

What is 32?


The Third Estate marched out of the Estate General and into this place in the palace of Versailles to make an oath of independence.

What are the indoor tennis courts?


Released in the 1.19 Wild Update, the new Warden mob became one of the most powerful mobs in the game, and it can be found in this new structure.

What is an ancient city?


Created by Taoist alchemists, this substance is used in many American lives, especially on the 4th of July and in schools.

What is gunpowder?


Vegetation consisting of typically short plants with long, narrow leaves, growing wild or cultivated on lawns and pasture, and as a fodder crop.

What is grass?


This player was the most recent NFL Draft number one pick to the Jacksonville Jaguars

Who is Travon Walker?


During this period of time Maximilien Robespierre killed many people who opposed the new government.

What is the Reign of Terror?


When pigs were first being made, a bug in the code was created, which created this fan favorite mob.

What is the creeper?


One of the few legal drugs in the world was created by the Chinese. It is included in many drinks.

What is alcohol?


a reflective surface, now typically of glass coated with a metal amalgam, that reflects a clear image.

what is a mirror?


Brock Purdy, the Mr. Irrelevant of the 2022 NFL draft, was this number pick.

What is 262?


Using this new invention, Robespierre was able to kill thousands of peasants, until ultimately dying to it himself.

What is the guillotine?


The ghast's noises were voiced by this animal, which is also represented as a mob in the game.

What is a cat?


The chinese were the first to invent this dental tool.

What is a toothbrush?


a silvery-gray bottom-dwelling fish of North Atlantic coastal waters, related to the cod. It is popular as a food fish and is of great commercial value.

What is haddock?

This number one pick to the Oakland Raiders in 2007 is regarded as one of the worst NFL picks of all time

Who is Jamarcus Russell?


This french holiday is celebrated due to the storming of a Royal fortress to arm the revolutionaries.

What is Bastille Day?


Prior to the full release of the 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update, deepslate was known by this other name

What is grimstone?


The Richter scale is the modern version of what the Chinese created.

What is an earthquake detector?

A silvery-metallic transition metal chemically similar to the lanthanides and has often been classified as a "rare-earth element".

What is yttrium?


In 2021, the first three picks in the draft were all quarterbacks. THis other year there also three quarterbacks taken with the first three picks.

What is 1971?


The last king of France before the revolution was this man.

Who is Louis XVI?