Say this verb in the simple past, spell it and translate :
played : jouer
Say these verb in the simple past, spell and translate :
- drink
- eat
- drank : boire
- ate : manger
TRANSLATE : J'ai eu beaucoup de cadeaux.
I got many presents or gifts.
As-tu lu des magazines ou des livres ?
Did you read magazines or books?
TRANSLATE : J'ai mangé du saumon fumé.
I ate smoked salmon.
Say this verb in the simple past, spell it and translate :
celebrated: fêter
Conjugate BE in the simple past
I was
you were
he she it was
we were
you were
they were
TRANSLATE : Ma soeur a mis une guirlande électrique sur le sapin.
My sister put an electric garlands / fairy lights on the xmas tree.
Est ce que tu t'es couché tard?
Did you go to sleep late ?
TRANSLATE : Je n'ai pas mangé d'escargot en entrée.
I didn't eat snails for starters.
Say this verb in the simple past, spell it and translate :
surfed: surfer
Say this verb in the simple past, spell and translate :
hang out
hung out : trainer avec ses amis
TRANSLATE : Mes parents ont décoré le sapin avec des boules de noël.
My parents decorated the Christmas tree with baubles.
A quelle heure t'es tu levé?
What time did you get up?
TRANSLATE : J'ai bu de l'eau plate.
I drank still water.
Say these verbs in the simple past, spell and translate :
- ski
- wrap
- skied : skier
- wrapped : emballer
Make 1 sentence with these 2 verbs in the simple past :
- buy
- forget
I bought a present for my father but I forgot my mum's present.
TRANSLATE : Nous avons fait un bonhomme de neige.
We made a snowman.
Qu'est ce que tu as fait pendant les vacances ?
What did you do during the vacations?
TRANSLATE : Je n'ai pas bu d'eau gazeuse.
I didn't drink sparkling water.
Say these verbs in the simple past, spell and translate :
- cry
- laugh
- chat
- cried : pleurer
- laughed : rire
- chatted : discuter
Make 1 sentence with these 3 verbs in the simple past :
- spend
- go out
- have fun
I spend Xmas with my cousins, we went out after dinner and we had fun together.
Nous nous sommes embrassés sous le gui.
We kissed under the mistletoe.
Avec qui as tu regardé Vaïana 2 ?
Who did you watch Moana 2 with?
TRANSLATE : Je n'ai pas mangé de bûche de noël au dessert car je n'avais pas faim.
I didn't eat yule log for dessert because I wasn't hungry.