Say this verb in the simple past, spell it and translate :
played : jouer
Say these verb in the simple past, spell and translate :
- drink
- eat
- drank : boire
- ate : manger
Say this verb in the simple past, spell it and translate :
celebrated: fêter
Conjugate BE in the simple past
I was
you were
he she it was
we were
you were
they were
Say this verb in the simple past, spell it and translate :
surfed: surfer
Say this verb in the simple past, spell and translate :
hang out
hung out : trainer avec ses amis
Say these verbs in the simple past, spell and translate :
- ski
- wrap
- skied : skier
- wrapped : emballer
Make 1 sentence with these 2 verbs in the simple past :
- buy
- forget
I bought a present for my father but I forgot my mum's present.
Say these verbs in the simple past, spell and translate :
- cry
- laugh
- chat
- cried : pleurer
- laughed : rire
- chatted : discuter
Make 1 sentence with these 3 verbs in the simple past :
- spend
- go out
- have fun
I spend Xmas with my cousins, we went out after dinner and we had fun together.