bones, muscles, fibres & arrangements
muscular actions & control
injuries & illnesses
aids & prevention
illegal methods & impacts

4 types of synovial joints

Pivot, gliding, ball and socket, hinge, saddle and condyloid

Sliding Filament Theory

Brain sends a message to muscles for contraction to occur. The electrical impulse reaches muscles and stimulates the myosin to attach to actin filaments. 

Cross bridges then shorten and slide the actin filaments across. 


Types of Injuries

Overuse - example: shin splints, tennis elbow

Acute Direct - example: concussion during head clash in a tackle in AFL

Acute Indirect - example: tearing an ACL after changing direction while running


3 types of physiological strategies to prevent injuries

PAR-Q Pre-screening - Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire. 

Physical Prep - Strength, flexibility, core training, to condition the body to be physically ready

Warm Up - prepare body, increases HR and blood flow

Cool Down - recover from exercise, break down waste products, reduces muscle soreness, return body to resting state


Legal Performance Enhancement Training Methods

Resistance training, short-interval, HIIT, plyometrics, continuous training, long-interval, fartlek training


Fibre Arrangement Types

Circular, Convergent, Parallel (fusiform), Parallel (non-fusiform), Pennate (Uni, Bi and Multi)


Reciprocol Inhibition

How muscles work in teams to allow efficient movement to occur. While once muscle contracts, the partnered muscle relaxes, allowing movement and reducing the risk of muscle tears

Agonist, Antagonists play a vital role, as do stabilisers.


Soft Tissue Sprain and Strains

Grade 1 - minimum number of fibres torn

Grade 2 - significant number of fibres torn

Grade 3 - complete tear of all fibres


Physical Aids - Physical Environment

Environment - heat, cold, UV, adequate rest periods, fluid, shade

Equipment - used incorrectly, dress code, inspection of facilities/equipment, uneven/poorly maintained surfaces


Legal Performance Enhancement - Nutritional Supplements

Sports foods/drinks 

Medical supplements - calcium, vit D

Performance supplements - caffeine, protein, creatine, bicarb


Characteristics of Fast Twitch Fibres

examples - Fast Contraction, low fatigue resistance, larger muscle fibres, high force produced, low triglyceride stores


Muscle Actions

Isoinertial (Concentric, Eccentric) - change in length of muscle being moved through a range of motion

Isometric - contraction against a force w/o significant movement

Isokinetic - any force applied in equal reaction force supplied by a machine


Musculoskeletal Conditions

Osteoporosis - bone degradation exceeds bone regeneration

Arthritis types:

Osteoarthritis - degenerative bone disease

Rheumatoid Arthritis - autoimmune disease

Arthritis is caused by inflammation of the joints, causing pain, stiffness


Physical Aids - Protective Equipment and Taping/Bracing

Mouthguards, helmets, footwear, guards, eyewear

Sport-specific equipment designed to reduce or prevent musculoskeletal injuries

Taping/Bracing - joint stability, restrict movement, prevent sprains, kinaesthetic feedback to the brain, gives confidence


Illegal Performance Enhancement

Anabolic Steroids - increases strength, size, power, quicker recovery time

Human Growth Hormone - increase muscle strength/performance, quicker recovery. 


Characteristics of Slow Twitch Fibres

Examples - Slow contraction, contract repeatedly for prolonged periods, smaller than fast twitch fibres, high triglyceride stores, low force produced


Motor Units & Size Principle

Size Principle - the amount of force used for a movement as controlled by HOW MANY motor units are recruited

Small movements = small increments of force & less motor units

Large movements = greater force, more motor units recruited


Hard Tissue Injuries

Fractures (open or closed):

Caused by direct trauma (collision) or indirect trauma (falling)


Injuries at the joint where the bones that form the joint are displaced. Caused by excessive movement at the joint.


Assist client with a Physical Aid - Has experienced shoulder dislocation reaching for rebounds in netball

Tape - to provide strengthen joint, confidence in joint


Ethical, Social & Cultural Considerations for Performance Enhancing

Personal - performance dissatisfaction, pressure, anxiety, keeping up ability level, "win at all costs" mentality

Sociocultural - financial reward, family/coach/public pressure, high demands for selection, drug culture in club/peers, national pride, role model influence


Functions of Muscles

Skeletal movement, posture, produce and release heat, store fuels


All or Nothing Principle

Nerve impulses don't stimulate the muscle fibres until it reaches a threshold. 

When threshold reached - all fibres of the motor unit will contract at the same time.


Diagnose - a woman with consistent significant discomfort in her lower legs during runs on hard surfaces.

Shin Splints

Assist Client to prevent injury - Hamstring strain during sprint training

Ensure surface is well maintained, adequate warm up, ensure adequate physical preparation (progression of activities to ensure the body is ready for sprinting)


Athletes/Clubs with a history of performance enhancing

Marion Jones, Lance Armstrong, Maria Sharapova, Essendon FC, Shane Warne, Alex Rodriguez, Joel Smith