It's a piece of cake!
iEs pan comido!
If I had the time/money...
Si tuviera el tiempo/el dinero...
I have eaten
He comido
El paro / desempleo
Name all the ways to say "I'm mad about" (I really like)
Me flipa, me mola, me chifla (n)
It annoys/infuriates me!
iMe saca del quicio!
If I were rich (m/f)...
Si fuera rico/-a...
We have played (sport)
Hemos jugado al...
The pollution of (the) rivers
La contaminación de los ríos
Translate: He/she likes dogs
(A ____), le gustan los perros
I'm going to spare no expense!
iVoy a tirar la casa por la ventana!
Ojalá que salga bien!
I have not done my homework
No he hecho mis deberes
It's necessary that we save water
Es necesario que ahorremos agua
I used to like to play football
Me gustaba jugar al fútbol
I'm a little crazy
Estoy como una cabra
I hope it is not a waste of time
Espero que no sea una pérdida de tiempo
We have never gone to Spain
Nunca hemos ido a España
My ideal house would have an enormous garden
Mi casa ideal tendría un jardín enorme
We recycled and we liked it so much that...
Reciclamos y nos gustó tanto que...
I was stunned
Me quedé de piedra
I need the students to listen to me (that the students listen to me)
I would have liked to travel to Italy, but I do not have the money
Me habría gustado viajar a Italia, pero no tengo el dinero
One must do more awareness campaigns
Hay que hacer más campañas publicitarias
I used to hate taking out the rubbish but now I like helping with domestic tasks because my parents give me money
Solia odiar sacar la basura, pero ahora me gusta ayudar con las tareas domésticas porque mis padres me dan dinero