How long was Jonah in the belly of the fish?
Three days and Three nights
In what chapter in did Jonah pray to God?
Chapter 2
Where did Jonah board the ship?
In how many days did Jonah say Nineveh would be overthrown?
How many chapters are in this book of Jonah?
What was Jonah doing while the storm was threatening to sink the ship?
He was below deck sleeping.
Where did Jonah decide to go instead of the place he was commanded?
When God spared (or did not destroy the city), Jonah _______________.
Was displeased (or unhappy/angry).
What was the message of Jonah to the Ninevites?
"Forty days from now Nineveh will be destroyed."
God said there were people in Nineveh who did not know ____________________________.
Their right hand from their left.
Who was Jonah's father?
"But I will sacrifice unto thee with _________; I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the Lord."
The voice of thanksgiving
"That is what I tried to forestall by fleeing to Tarshish. I knew that you are a ____________ and _____________ God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, a God who relents from doing harm."
gracious and merciful
When the storm stopped, the men on the ship offered sacrifices and ____________.
made vows
"So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on ____________, from the greatest of them even to the least of them."
What did Jonah wish upon himself when he woke up and the plant was damaged?
He wished death upon himself
What did the King of Nineveh do in response to Jonah's proclamation?
He declared that everyone in Nineveh should give up their evil ways and violence, and wear sackcloth as a sign of repentance.
As per this book what was the population of Nineveh?
More 120,000 people
How long did it take Jonah to journey through the great city of Nineveh?
3 days
How did the mariners determine Jonah was the cause of their trouble?
They cast lots
"The Lord __________ to the fish, and it ____________Jonah onto dry land."
spoke, vomited
What caused God to spare the people of Nineveh?
They fasted and turned from their evil ways.
The King of Nineveh proclaimed "Let neither man or beast, herd nor flock, taste anything, let them not _________, nor __________ __________.
eat (feed), drink water
What did Jonah do after God relented from destroying Nineveh?
He went out of the city and made a shelter
What does the name Jonah mean?