What are some of the things you look for when doing a "quick assessment" of an injured person?
1. Is the scene safe? 2. Is the airway open? 2. Are they breathing? 4. Is there a heartbeat? 5. Is there severe bleeding?
How do you treat an abrasion?
Clean it and apply a plaster.
What is dehydration?
Losing too much/not taking in enough water (via breathing, sweating, urination, digestion)
What is the emergency number to call or text?
What do you do for a head bump?
Tell an adult. They will monitor the victim for signs of concussion.
What sorts of weather should we consider when going out on an adventure?
Sunburn, heat, cold, snow, lightning, rain
What signs of a life-threatening situation? (Big Sick)
-stopped or severe breathing
-no heartbeat
-heavy bleeding
What do you do for a dog bite?
Wash with soap and water and call your GP.
What are 3 of the ways to help a victim of hypothermia?
1. Take the victim into a shelter & get in warm, dry clothes. 2. Zip into dry sleeping bag or cover with blankets, coats. 3. Offer hot liquids (hot chocolate, soup). 4. Give water bottles filled with warm fluid to hold in the armpit and groin areas. 5. If possible, have the victim breate warm, moist air. 6. Be ready to provide other first aid, if necessary. 7. Seek medical attention for the victim.
True or False: There are spiders in the UK whose bites are fatal to humans.
What do we need to do for a broken bone?
Call 999. Support, immobilise, protect.
Name 3 ways to treat heatstroke.
-Move victim to cool, shady spot.
-Cool any way you can: remove outer clothing & sponge w/cool water
-Cover w/wet towels
-Place in cool water; fan; etc
-Keep victim lying down w/head & shoulders slightly raised
-Monitor victim closely
-Get emergency help right away
How do you treat a panic attack?
Talk quietly to victim and encourage them to calm down and take deep breaths.
What are the 5 common signs of heart attack?
1. Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain in the center of the chest behind the breastbone. The feeling may spread to the shoulders, arms, and neck. It isn't always severe. 2. Unusual sweating 3. Nausea - usually first sign for women! 4. Shortness of breath. 5. A feeling of weakness.
What could be happening to someone who just ate a prawn sandwich and is now experiencing swelling and trouble breathing?
Allergic reaction.
Rinse with cool clean water. (Not ice)
What does DR ABC stand for?
Airway Breathing Circulation