What does lundi mean?
What does je me lève mean?
I get up
What does je dois préparer le diner mean?
I must prepare dinner
What does j'ai fait la vaisselle mean?
I did the washing up
What does heures mean in English?
What does tous les jours mean?
What does je prends mon petit-déjeuner mean?
I have breakfast
What does je dois promener le chien mean?
I must walk the dog
What does j'ai sorti la poubelle mean?
I put/took the bins out
What does et demi mean?
Half past
How do you say often in French
How do you say I wake up in French?
Je me réveille
What does je dois laver la voiture mean?
I must wash the car
What does j'ai tondu la pelouse mean?
I mowed the lawn
How do you say quarter past in French?
Et quart
How do you say yesterday in French?
How do you say I shower?
Je me douche
How do you say I must lay the table in French?
Je dois mettre la table
How do you say I helped at home in French?
J'ai aidé à la maison
How do you say midnight in French?
How do you say last week in French?
La semaine dernière
How do you say I brush my teeth?
Je me brosse les dents
How do you say I must tidy my room in French?
Je dois ranger ma chambre
How do you say I hoovered in French?
J'ai passé l'aspirateur
How do you say ten to in French?
Moins dix