The name of the Grinch's dog is...
I have sufficiently prepared my home for the welcoming of an African mammal, with an average weight of 2,900 to 3,300 pounds.
I want a hipopnatamus for Christmas
Bridget Driscoll (august 1896), she was attending a demonstration of the Anglo-French Motor Carriage Company at the Crystal Palace in london. She was also the first recorded instance of this.
Pedestrian hit by motor car
Toxiphobia is the fear of...
Being poisoned
Mele Kalikimaka translates to...
Mry chimbus
clavo >:)
Given the choice of every single item on the face of the planet, my only gift request is the person who I am singing to.
All I want for Christmas is you
Clement Vallandigham died in the court room while defending a man charged with murder. The accused ended up being not guilty
He shot himself trying to demonstrate what the victim might have done.
The number of dots on a 2 6 sided die
Donald Trump makes a cameo in what Christmas movie?
Home Alone 2
During the current yuletide season, I will attempt to profess my love to a more qualified partner.
Last Christmas
Isaack Rabbanovitch (august 1891), a bear walked into his bar and picks up/drinks a keg of vodka. His 2 sons and daughter also perished. Villagers ended up shooting the bear. Wut happen?
They were hugged to death by the bear
Largest Spanish speaking city
Mexico city
Japan is known for eating ___ during Christmas time
KFC Chicken
The story of an explorer with a natural gift for navigation, who persevered through his struggles and became a cornerstone community
Rudolph the red-nosed Reindeer
The death of Aeschylus, this was dropped on his head from an eagle flying above him
A tortoise
The "WD" in WD-40 stands for...
Water Displacement
Saint Thiccolas is technically what nationality?
Mr. Claus, have I mentioned how handsome you are? That red hat really works wonders on you (this is all a ploy so I may request a fancy car and jewelry).
Santa Baby
Denver Lee St. Clair (Dec. 2013), died via asphyxiation administered by his stepson while horsing around. wut happen?
St. Clair received an "atomic wedgie"
The Wimbledon has a very strict dress code, what is it?
Whole lotta white