Brain Workouts
Before & After
Who's who?
Tools are Cool

-Onboarding/YAC 101
-4 hour Curriculum Training
-Open Book Exam

All required parts of YAC Coordinator Training for FY21 Certification


Even if I finish all my training, I will not get my certificate until I make sure I am emailing with...

a Red Cross email


The person you go to; your first line of command for Qs; your direct supervisor

Regional SAF/IS Staff Point of Contact


Where to log my volunteer hours (and as a YAC Coordinator, I should make sure that the YAC Advocates are logging theirs too)

Volunteer Connection


December 9 & 10, 7-9pm ET both nights

Final YAC Training of FY21 for YAC Coordinator Certification


Before Advocate training, YAC Coordinators must do this step in order to build Advocate Teams. They can ask their staff POC or even VS for help building an outreach plan to ____.

Recruit Advocate Teams


If your regional staff point of contact isn't sure, I can always call on the person who has this role to support my questions

YAC Lead Coordinators


I keep the Coordiantor Manual and I make sure Advocates have one of these (electronically is perfectly fine) before Advocate Training

Advocate Handbok


The percent you must get to pass the open book YAC Coordinator exam (final piece of training)



When to give your regional staff point of contact information about a campaign activity (Advocate Training attendance, Campaign activity attendance, etc.)

Within 1 week of the event (ideally-right after each event)


They need to be registered in VCN, just like the YAC Coordinators who facilitate their training

YAC Advocates


The place you can find the YAC events template to report all of the participation data and give to your SAF/IS POC

YAC Coordinator Groupshare 

(Under Files>1 Coordinator's Resources>YAC Events Report Template for Service Delivery Portal)