Yareli and Alex will have their ceremony on
What is March 19th, 2025?
Yareli's favorite type of food is
What is ramen?
Yareli's favorite female artist is
What is Olivia Rodrigo?
Yareli's dream job is
What is a Lawyer?
Yareli models in a tiktok account called
What is creations by Mary?
The person who said I love you first is
What is Alex?
Yareli's favorite alcohol is
what is tequila?
Yareli's favorite genre is
what is pop?
Yareli's favorite app on her phone is
what is TikTok?
Yareli's favorite color(s) to wear is
What is Baby blue, purple, black, or cream?
Yareli and Alex have been dating for
What is 5 years?
Yareli's favorite instant ramen brand is
what is buldok?
Yareli's favorite TV show is
What is Gilmore Girls?
Yareli's favorite animal is
What is a cat?
Yareli's least favorite color(s) to wear is
What is orange or yellow?
Yareli's and Alex met in
What is high school?
Yareli's favorite dessert at restaurants is
what is chocolate cake?
Yareli's favorite movie theatre in Houston is
what is AMC?
Yareli's favorite holiday is
what is Thanksgiving?
Yareli's favorite thrift store is called
What is value village?
Yareli's love language is
What is gift giving?
Yareli hates to drink
what is vodka?
A movie Yareli could rewatch anytime is
What is Maleficient?
Yareli's favorite go-to snack is
What are Turbos or Twix?
Yareli's favorite type of clothing is
what are skorts?