Really Absurdly Specificly Questions (RASQ)
Video Games

The optional type of prayer performed before Morning Prayer, most commonly during the month of Ramadan.

What is Teheccut?


This is the color that the digits that the EminTM household's microwave is displayed with. This is also the rarest naturally found color.

What is Light Blue/Cyan? (Half credits for just blue)


This is the year that Among Us was released initially.

What is 2018?


"Breaking Bad" follows a chemistry teacher, Walter White, dealing with complications after he is diagnosed with cancer. He blackmails one of his drug dealer students, Jesse, so that he helps with White's goals of cooking crystal meth to raise money. What is Jesse's last name?

What is Pinkman?


The EminTM household owns two cats. This is the color of the bob-tailed one.

What is black and white? What is panda-patterned?


This is how long you must fast as consequence for purpousefully breaking your fast before it's time without a valid excuse.

What is 60 days?


If you were in a marathon, and you were in third place, but you crossed the person in second place, then a nuke was dropped on you, but the ashes of your body have been reincarnated as a body, so you win the competition, how long was your run?

What is ~42 km? What is 26 mi?


How many seasons total does Fall Guys have currently?

idk how to word this in a jeaporday way, answer is 9


This streaming company, known for it's hatred of sharing accounts with friends and family, has one of the biggest catalogs from any other service of it's kind.

What is Netflix?


This animal rose as the internet-wide meme "Floppa" after homes that took it's species as housepets documented, and sometimes overfed, the animal to show the online world.

What is a caracal?


The ten day period at the end of Ramadan, where good deeds are particularly encouraged.

What is Ashra-e-Nijat? (The ten days)

What is Laylat Al-Qadrm? (The special day where deeds are amplified tenfold)


This is displayed on the new Wikipedia front page, when your link is simply "en.wikipedia.org".

Where is the featured article, featured picture, and news? Full credit if any of the above is said.
This DOORS entity cannot spawn no matter what in the SUPER HARD MODE April Fool's event.

What is Dupe?


The largest grossing film, sitting at the first place spot currently, is a movie about humans that are colonizing a lush habitable moon of a gas giant in order to mine the valuable mineral unobtanium.

What is Avatar?


Tharad (historically known as Thirpur) is a town in this Asian country?

What is India?


When you don't fast for the day because of a valid and temporary reason, like being sick or travelling, you make it up another day.

What is Qaza?


Lye burns, something that can cause severe burns and permanent damage to any tissue that it comes in contact with, can be neutralized by this.

What is vinegar?


This video game franchise was the first (and as I'm aware, the only one) to ever get a handbook of the game as one of the best seller books of it's year.

What is Yo-kai Watch?


Steven Universe is a popular Cartoon Network show from the 2010s. It concluded in 2020 with this twenty-episode epilogue series, after the original show and the movie lasted the franchise from 2015 to 2019.

What is Steven Universe Future?


This Dr. Seuss book that started as a bet to push the man's creative talents eventually turned into it's own Netflix adaptation, costing the service five to six million dollars per episode, making it the most expensive animated series produced by Netflix.

What is Green Eggs and Ham?


The exact time that Morning Prayer started on April 1st, 2023.

When is 6:02 AM?


On the windows of the living room of the EminTM household, this word appears on the top-rightmost window.

What is love?


Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, & Emerald versions, were outperformed in terms of sales by these set of Pokémon games, which sold 2,130,000 copies more. This set of games was also beat by Pokémon Sword & Shield, which sold a mere 270,000 copies more.

What is Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, & Ultra Moon? (Gen 7, any of the games mentioned, or Alola will also count as correct)


This political event delayed the release of HBO Max by a couple years, along with funding and support for numerous shows and cartoons from Cartoon Network, due to petty grudges held against CNN & Warner Bros.

What is the 2016 USA Election?


Hello Kitty, as a franchise, was intercepted in this year.

What is 1974?