What is an offer?
A promise and manifestation of willingness to be bound by a promise; either oral or written, or may be inferred from conduct.
What is an acceptance?
The intent to be bound by a promise or performance.
What are the types of consideration:
Act, performance, return promise, and forbearance (refrain from doing.)
What are the 5 defenses?
1. Lack of Capacity
2. Duress
3. Illegality
4. Unconscionability
5. Misrepresentation
What is the mirror image rule?
an offer must be accepted, exactly as it is presented, without any changes or modifications. The acceptance must be the mirror image of the offer.
What are the 3 invalid offers?
Jokes, Preliminary Negotiation, Advertisements
What are the methods of termination…
1. Rejection/counter-offer
2. Lapse of time
3. Revocation
4. Death/incapacity
5. Non-occurence
What is Nominal consideration?
A mere pretense of a bargain does not suffice. Offered by one party to an agreement with little or virtually no value, particularly about the consideration offered by the other party.
What are the 3 classes of lack of incapacity
Intoxication, Mental Illness, Infants
What are the elements of the quasi-contract?
Elements - quasi-contract:
What makes an option contract irrevocable?
Unilateral contract- part performance
Bilateral- nominal consideration
An offeree’s silence or inaction operates as acceptance only in specific cases:
When they take the benefit of offered services with the expectation of compensation, when the offeror indicates that silence can signify assent, or when it is reasonable based on prior dealings that the offeree should notify the offeror if they do not intend to accept. In these situations, the offeree's failure to respond is considered an acceptance of the offer.
UCC §2-209 states that a contract modification…
A contract modification does not require consideration to be binding, but if a signed agreement specifies that modifications or rescissions must be in writing, such terms cannot be changed without a signed writing, with additional requirements for modifications on merchant-supplied forms.
What is the avoidance defense?
If the party is induced in a contract under improper bargaining, the mistaken party can go to court to enforced the contract.
What are the 3 exemptions to sale of goods under that Statute of Frauds?
1. Contracts for the sale of specially manufactured goods for $500 or more
2. Non-injured party admits in court the contract was made
3. Payments has been accepted or goods have already been received
What is a firm offer?
If the offeree accepts by performing but knows the offeror has no way of learning about the performance promptly and certainly, the offeror's duty is discharged unless:
What is the Uniform Obligations Act?
a written release or promise made and signed by the person releasing or promising shall not be invalid or unforeseeable for lack of consideration, if the writing also contains an additional express statement in any form of language that the signer intends to be legally bound
What is the Peerless rule?
if parties attach materially different meanings to their manifestations and neither knows the other's meaning, there is no mutual assent. If one party understands the meaning attached by the other, the contract is operative according to that understanding.
What are the elements of Mutual and Unilateral Mistake?
(hint: they share the same 3 elements BUT one type of mistake has one more element)
Mutual Mistake:
1. Must be regarding a basic assumption on which the contract was made
2. Must have a material effect
3. Adversely affected party must not bear the risk
Unilateral Mistake:
1. Must be regarding a basic assumption on which the contract was made
2. Must have a material effect
3. Adversely affected party must not bear the risk and must have been the mistaken party
4. Mistake must cause unconscionability, the other party must know, or the mistake must be the other party’s fault
Define the 2 types of mistakes….
Mutual Mistake: where a mistake of both parties at the time a contract was made as to basic assumption on which the contract was made a material effect on the agreed exchange of performance, the contract is voidable by the adversely affected party unless he bears the risk of mistake
Unilateral Mistake: mistake of one party at the time a contract was made as to a basic assumption on which he made the contract has a material effect on the agreed exchange of performance that is adverse to him the contract is voidable, by him if he doesn’t bear the risk of the mistake.
Offeree pays $100 on a real estate transaction to keep the contract open for 7 days - 06/01 - 06/07 expires at 5pm; option contract. On the morning of 06/07 acceptance was sent and received on 06/08. Is the contract valid?
it MUST BE RECEIVED by the offeror before the deadline. The contract is not effective.
What are the exceptions of the pre-existing duty rule?
when a party to a contract encounters unanticipated difficulties and the other party, not influenced by coercion or duress, voluntarily agrees to pay additional compensation for work already required to be performed under contract
Impracticability UCC §2-615(a)
performance may be impracticable b/c extreme, & unreasonable difficulty, expense, injury, or loss to one of the parties will be involved. “Acts of God” or to acts of third parties.
3 ways a party may bear a risk
1. Parties have agreed in the contract to allocate the risk to that party OR
2. A court allocates the risk to that party because it is reasonable under the circumstances OR
3. a party is consciously ignorant