How many books are in the Bible?
What is the church.
A collection of believers.
What is a prayer?
Conversation with God.
What is the beginning of Wisdom?
The fear of the Lord
What is salvation?
Deliverance from sin.
Who wrote the Bible?
People inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Who created the church?
Describe a format of prayer.
Thanksgiving/Praise, Repentance, Supplication
Why are bad habits such as drinking, smoking and drugs very dangerous for human life.
1. Your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit. Doing those things defiles it.
2. People who do such things do not inherit the kingdom of heaven.
What was the reason for Jesus' crucifixion and death?
To pay the debt for our sin and give us salvation.
Why does a person need to read and study the Bible?
How can you become a member of the church?
Believe in Jesus and be baptized.
Name 2 or more people from the Bible who's prayers were answered.
Jonah, Jesus, Hannah , David, Zachariah , Paul and Silas
What is God showing us when he punishes us?
His love for us.
Believe in Jesus Christ.
What does the word "Gospel" mean?
Good News
Why do christians go to church?
To grow in faith, hear the word of God, be in union with other believers.
What does the Bible say about how often we should pray?
Pray without ceasing.
How can someone avoid depression?
Why is it so important to believe in Jesus?
He is the only way to God the Father, into heaven.
Name 7 people who wrote sections of the Bible.
Moses, Job, Ezra, Jonah, Micah, Solomon, Isaiah, David, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Jude, Peter and more.
The Bible compares the church to what? (Name at least 2)
The body of Christ
A flock
A house
A vineyard
A pearl
A candle
Recite the Lord's prayer
English or Ukrainian
What does it mean to rely on God's will in your life?
Relying on God is the process of understanding that you don't have all the answers and committing yourself to prayer when faced with difficult situations or decisions. It requires trusting that God not only cares but is real and able to make a tangible difference in your life.
To bring others to Christ by sharing with them the Gospel.