The Truman Show
Essay Writing
Writing Accuracy

In the film, a light named 'sirius' falls from the sky.

What sparks Truman's suspicions? 


This part of an essay introduces the topic and clearly states the writer’s main point or argument.

What is the introduction?


This feature involves repeating the same phrase or word for emphasis, and is often used in powerful speeches.

What is repetition?


This punctuation mark is used to separate items in a list or to join two independent clauses.

What is a comma?


This planet in our solar system is known as the "Red Planet."

What is Mars?


The film juxtaposes these two people to emphasise the real versus false.

What is the effect of comparing Sylvia and Meryl?

This section of an essay summarizes the main points and restates the thesis, usually in a different way.

What is the conclusion?


In rhetoric, this term refers to the use of logic and reason to persuade an audience.

What is logos?


This punctuation mark should be used to indicate possession or show that something belongs to someone or something.

What is an apostrophe?


This element is represented by the symbol "O" on the periodic table.

What is oxygen?


These objects emphasise how Truman is being commodified, his entire life manipulated for entertainment, and ultimately, profit. 

How are costumes and props used in the film?


In an essay, this is the specific point that you argue or prove in each paragraph, supporting your thesis.

What is a topic sentence?


The rhetorical device used to appeal to the audience's emotions in a speech is called this.

What is pathos?


A sentence that is grammatically incorrect because it is missing a subject or a verb is called this.

What is a fragment?


In Greek mythology, this hero completed twelve labors, including slaying the Nemean lion.

Who is Hercules?


In the film, Truman’s fear of this event becomes symbolic of his desire to break free from Seahaven’s control.  

What does his father's death/ the sea represent?


In essay writing, this type of structure involves presenting a key point, supporting it with evidence and explaining it, before moving to the next idea.

What is the "PEEL" structure (Point, Evidence, Explanation, Link)?


This rhetorical strategy in speeches is used to appeal to the audience’s sense of ethics, demonstrating the speaker's credibility and moral authority.

What is ethos?


This type of sentence structure error occurs when a dependent clause is joined to an independent clause without proper punctuation, often called a "comma splice."

What is a run-on sentence?


The longest river in the world is this one, which flows through Africa.

What is the Nile River?


Truman is constantly being monitored through hidden cameras and people who watch his every move is an allegory for this real-world phenomenon.

How is modern media surveillance/ reality TV reflected in the film?


This word is used to show the relationship between ideas and makes the essay flow smoothly, such as “firstly,” “however,” and “therefore.”

What is a transition word/phrase?


This famous speech, delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. in 1963, became one of the most well-known speeches in American history.

What is the "I Have a Dream" speech?


The word "slowly" in the sentence "He runs slowly" is an example of this type of word.

What is an adverb?


This famous scientist developed the theory of relativity, fundamentally changing our understanding of physics.

Who is Albert Einstein?