Medieval Medicine
Renaissance Medicine
18th/19th Century
Pot Luck
Exam Skills

The _____________ controlled most ideas in the medieval period. People were taught that God caused disease either as a punishment or a test of faith.



Physicians carried out more direct _____________ and examinations of their patients, rather than relying on the patient explaining their symptoms.



In 1861, ________ ______________ (a French chemist) published his Germ Theory.

Louis Pasteur


Who is often considered the father of modern medicine and is known for his ethical code that emphasises the importance of patient confidentiality and professionalism?



How long roughly should you take to answer a 4 mark question? 

5 minutes


The alignment of planets and stars was thought to cause some diseases. What was this called?



The creation of the __________ ____________ meant that scientists could now share their findings with the world. Doctors could access up-to-date medical texts.

printing press


Explain Spontaneous Generation. 

The idea that germs appeared from the material that decayed.


During the medieval period, what theory suggested that diseases were caused by imbalances in bodily fluids, such as blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile?

Humoral Theory (Theory of the 4 Humors)


How many separate paragraphs should a 12 marker have?

3 separate paragraphs


___________________ discovered the theory of opposites. 

Claudius Galen


He observed patients and recorded their symptoms in detail, rather than relying on medical theory.

He was instrumental in the ‘new’ idea that a disease had nothing to do with the nature of the person who had it.

He based treatment on the disease as a whole.

He developed the idea that there are ‘species’ of diseases: diseases that act in similar ways.

Who was he? 

Thomas Sydenham


Who invented the microscope? 

Bonus 300 points if you can tell me the year. 

Robert Hooke in 1665


What significant medical breakthrough occurred in 1796, when Edward Jenner successfully introduced a vaccine for a specific disease?

Smallpox Vaccine


How many paragraphs should a 16 marker question have?

Bonus points if you can name them.

5 paragraphs:


3 x PEEL paragraphs



Name 3 Religious and supernatural methods to prevent and treat illness during the Medieval Period. 

Living a Christian life – e.g. praying, going to church, and obeying the Commandments

Carrying lucky charms or amulets

Paying for a special mass to be said

Self-punishment (flagellation)

Going on a pilgrimage

Chanting incantations


Match the key individual with their discovery: 

Individuals: William Harvey, Thomas Sydenham, Andreas Vesalius

Discoveries: Observations, Circulation of Blood, Dissection.  

You must have all three correct to get your points. 

William Harvey - Circulation of Blood 

Thomas Sydenham - Observations 

Andreas Vesalius - Dissections


___________ ________read Pasteur’s work and began to study microbes. He discovered that chemical dyes made bacteria easier to see under a microscope. Other scientists used these methods to identify the microbes that caused other diseases. These discoveries had a direct impact on the prevention and cure of many diseases.

Robert Koch


In the 19th century, who is often credited with establishing the foundations of modern nursing through her work in the Crimean War and her emphasis on sanitation and hygiene in healthcare?

Florence Nightingale

What should you do in your 16 marker question to help show your line of reasoning consistently throughout your essay?

Link your paragraph back to the question. 


Identify one way in which the role of the physician in the medieval period was similar to the role of the doctor in the NHS in the modern period.

(You do not need to explain just identify a similarity) 

Diagnostic Skills


Many treatments and preventions did not change during the period. Herbal remedies, prayer, bleeding and purging all continued, however some new preventions and treatments came into practice.... Name 2 of them. 

Emphasis on removing miasma by draining swamps, and removing sewage and waste.

People regularly changed their clothes to keep clean rather than just bathing.

Some effective herbal remedies from newly discovered countries appeared in England.

The theory of transference led people to try to rub objects on themselves to transfer the disease to the object.

Alchemy caused chemical cures using metals or minerals to become popular.


Identify one way in which attempts to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in the period c1500-c1700 were similar in the period c1700―c1900.

Quarantine Measures.


What major medical advance in the 20th century revolutionized the treatment of bacterial infections and is attributed to the discovery of penicillin by Sir Alexander Fleming?



What are the three words used to show the extent, you agree with the statement?

All three have to be correct to gain the points.

I agree to a great extent ...

I agree to a partial extent ... (Some Extent)

I agree to a limited extent ...