Ottawa Charter
River of Life
Body Image
Determinants of Health

Name one of the five action areas? Provide an example. 

- Develop Personal Skills - coles recipe books e.g. cooking skills
- Create Supportive Environments - creation of community gardens
Strengthen Community Action - 10c reusable bottles - keeps the environment clean
Reorient Health Services -Healthy Harold - promotes health and hygiene 
Build Healthy Public Policy - no smoking in public places 


What is the river of life?

Answers will vary.

The "River of Life" is a metaphorical concept often used in the fields of personal development, psychology, and spirituality. It represents the journey of life, with the river symbolizing the continuous flow of experiences, challenges, growth, and transformation that individuals go through. Includes barriers and enablers. 


What are two misconceptions about body image?

Answers will vary.

• Girls/boys who are thin are happy.
• Boys have to be muscular.
• People who are in control of their lives are usually slim.
• Most young women have an eating disorder.
• Women are not attracted to fat men.
• Men are not attracted to fat women.
• Thin is beautiful.
• Women do not need to eat as much as men.
• Fat people are unhealthy.


Name one determinant of health?

  • the social and economic environment,
  • the physical environment, and
  • the person’s individual characteristics and behaviours.

What are the five dimensions of health?

Social, emotional, physical, cognitive and spiritual. 


Which action area is the following an example of?

The local government can develop policies that promote physical activity, such as creating bike lanes, building parks and recreational facilities, and implementing active transportation initiatives.

Building healthy public policies

Identify and explain an example of a barrier in the river of life. 

Answers will vary.


- Fear and self-doubt: Negative emotions and self-limiting beliefs can create barriers, preventing individuals from taking risks, pursuing their goals, or embracing new experiences.

- Lack of support: Limited or unsupportive social networks can hinder personal growth by reducing access to resources, guidance, and encouragement.

- Comfort zone: Staying within one's comfort zone and resisting change can impede progress and limit opportunities for growth.

- Negative environment: Being surrounded by negativity, criticism, or toxic relationships can drain energy and motivation, making it difficult to move forward.


What is body image?

Body image refers to a person's perception, thoughts, and feelings about their own body.


Provide an example of a social support network. 

Social support networks – greater support from families, friends and communities is linked to better health. Culture - customs and traditions.


What is social health?

Social health relates to an individual's ability to engage in meaningful relationships and maintain a supportive social network. It involves aspects such as communication skills, social interactions, the ability to establish and maintain healthy relationships, and a sense of belonging and connection within communities.


Which action area is the following an example of?

Schools, workplaces, and community centers can provide resources and facilities for physical activity, such as gymnasiums, sports fields, and walking paths. They can also promote a supportive culture by organizing fitness challenges or offering incentives for active behavior.

Creating supportive environments. 


Identify and explain an example of an enabler in the river of life.

- Self-awareness: Developing self-awareness and understanding one's strengths, values, and aspirations can empower individuals to make conscious choices and take actions aligned with their personal growth.

- Supportive relationships: Having a strong support network of friends, family, mentors, or like-minded individuals can provide encouragement, guidance, and assistance along the journey.

- Learning and growth mindset: Cultivating a mindset that embraces learning, personal development, and a willingness to take on new challenges can propel individuals forward and facilitate continuous growth.

- Positive environment: Surrounding oneself with positive and uplifting influences, such as inspiring role models, motivating environments, and constructive feedback, can create a conducive atmosphere for personal growth.

- Resilience and adaptability: Developing resilience, the ability to bounce back from setbacks, and adaptability, the capacity to adjust to change, can help individuals navigate challenges and setbacks on their journey.


True or false?

Mission Australia's Youth Survey: In their 2020 Youth Survey, Mission Australia found that body image was a significant concern for young Australians, with 11% of female respondents aged 15-19 reporting body image as an issue of personal concern.


Body image was a significant concern for young Australians, with 30.2% of female respondents aged 15-19 reporting body image as an issue of personal concern.


Provide an example of a personal behaviour and/or coping skill which can have a negative impact on someone's health. 

poor nutrition/unbalanced eating, not keeping active, smoking, drinking, drugs etc.


Which action area is the following an example of?

Schools and community centers can provide education and training on physical fitness, including proper exercise techniques, the importance of regular activity, and strategies for overcoming barriers to exercise.

Developing personal skills


Name two of the five action areas? Provide an example of each. 

- Develop Personal Skills - coles recipe books e.g. cooking skills
- Create Supportive Environments - creation of community gardens
Strengthen Community Action - 10c reusable bottles - keeps the environment clean
Reorient Health Services -Healthy Harold - promotes health and hygiene
Build Healthy Public Policy - no smoking in public places


Explain the term 'salutogenesis'? 

An approach or perspective that focuses on understanding and promoting factors that contribute to health and well-being rather than solely focusing on the causes and treatment of diseases. It emphasizes the factors that support and enhance individuals' ability to stay healthy and thrive.

Rather than viewing health as simply the absence of disease, it explores the factors that contribute to individuals' ability to adapt, manage stress, and maintain a sense of well-being.


True or False?

Body image concerns are more common among women than men.

  • True. 
  • Research indicates that women tend to experience higher rates of body dissatisfaction and body image concerns compared to men, although it's important to recognize that body image issues can affect individuals of all genders.

True or False? Men and women suffer from different types of diseases at different ages.

(WHO, n.d.). 


What is the recommended daily physical activity in Australia? 

- 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. 

- This should include a variety of aerobic activities, such as running, swimming, cycling, and sports, as well as activities that strengthen muscles and bones, like climbing or jumping.


Who created the Ottawa Charter and in what year?

The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion is an international agreement developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1986.


Provide an example of a strategy which can be employed to navigate the twists and turns of the 'River of Life' and embrace personal growth and transformation?

Answers will vary.

- Cultivate self-awareness: Take time to understand yourself, your values, strengths, and areas for growth. 

- Embrace change and uncertainty: Recognize that change is a natural part of life and view it as an opportunity for growth.

- Set meaningful goals: Define clear, meaningful goals that align with your values and aspirations. 

- Develop resilience: Build resilience by cultivating coping mechanisms, such as practicing mindfulness, seeking support from others, and maintaining a positive mindset. 

- Seek support and connection: Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, mentors, or like-minded individuals who can provide encouragement, guidance, and accountability along your journey. 

- Continuously learn and evolve: Foster a growth mindset that values continuous learning and personal development. 

- Practice self-care: Prioritize self-care to maintain your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. 

- Reflect and celebrate progress: Regularly reflect on your journey, acknowledging your achievements, milestones, and lessons learned. 


Explain how social media can impact someone's body image in a negative way? 2 examples.

  1. Unrealistic standards: Social media platforms often showcase carefully edited images that portray unattainable body types. 

  2. Filters and editing tools: Many social media platforms offer filters and editing tools that allow users to modify their appearance in photos. 

  3. Social comparison: Social media provides a constant stream of content where people share their highlight reels, often showcasing their best moments, bodies, and physical achievements. 

  4. Cyberbullying and negative comments: Social media platforms can be breeding grounds for cyberbullying and body shaming. 

  5. Influencer culture: Social media influencers, particularly in the realms of fitness, fashion, and beauty, often promote specific body ideals and endorse products or lifestyles that supposedly help achieve those ideals.


Explain how access and the distribution of food could be limited for people in rural and remote communities? 

Limited appropriate food available, limited access and not always affordable (location of markets, supermarkets), transport issues regarding imports, environmental issues e.g. drought limiting local produce. Transporting of goods could result in contamination due to heat. 


What is meant by the term, 'sedentary lifestyle'?

- A sedentary lifestyle refers to a way of living that involves minimal physical activity or very little movement throughout the day. 

- Involves long periods of sitting or reclining while engaging in activities that require little energy expenditure, such as watching television, using a computer, or sitting at a desk for extended periods.