How well do you know the games?
Whanonga pono

Name THREE bones that are above the Pelvis. 

Three of - 

Cranium, Mandible, clavicle, humerus, ulna, radius, vertebrae, sternum, phalanges, carpals, metacarpals + any at teachers discretion. 

Teacher will decide if answer is acceptable.


If you want to create a large force which statement is true?

More muscles = more force

Fewer muscles = more force

Small muscles first = more force

More muscles = more force

Teacher will decide if answer is acceptable.


What is the person guarding the tupu in Ki O Rahi called? 



The term Rangatiratanga means - 



What are the correct names of the following bones 

Thigh bone

Knee cap

Shin bone



Tibia / fibula

Teacher will decide if answer is acceptable.


Name 2 biomechanical principles. 

balance and stability

Force summation

Projectile motion


What is the game called that you use poi toa in? what is the key rule that you must do when in possession of the poi toa? 

Horohopu - you must keep the poi toa spinning. 


name 3 things you could do outside of PE class to demonstrate manaakitanga 

Manaakitanga =sharing knowledge

tutoring, helping someone find their class, getting sibling ready for school.

Teacher will determine the accuracy of your answer. 


Name THREE bones starting with C

Clavicle, cranium, carpals. 

Teacher will decide if answer is acceptable.


Who is more balanced - a person doing a bearcrawl, or someone in a handstand? WHY? 

Bear crawl - Lower center of gravity, more points of contact, wider base of support. 

Teacher will decide if answer is acceptable.


The interform games you will participate in are. 

Girls - 

  • Bench Ball
  • Harsh Ball
  • Longball
  • Tug o war
  • Vortex
  • 3 Ball (New

  • Boys - 
  • Killer ball
  • Harsh Ball
  • Longball
  • Tug o war
  • Vortex
  • Capture the flag
  • Wall 2 Wall (year 10 only)

What are 3 actions someone could do to demonstrate kotahitanga? 

Your teacher will determine if these actions contribute to team cohesion. 


What bones make up the elbow joint? 

Patella, Femur, Tibia

Teacher will decide if answer is acceptable.


When throwing a tennis ball, what do you need to in order to make your tennis ball travel as far as possible.? Ie What are the factors of projectile motion? 

Speed of release - release the ball with speed.

Height of release - higher the height = more distance

Angle of release - optimal angle is 45degrees. Teacher will decide if answer is acceptable.


Can you identify 4 invasion games you played this year? 

capture the flag, basketball, football, netball, handball 

Your teacher will decide if your answer is correct. 


What are 3 actions someone can do to demonstrate kotahitanga? 

Your teacher will determine whether your actions contribute to team cohesion. 


Name 4 muscles on the posterior side of the body. 

Latissimus dorsi, gluteus maximus, hamstring, gastrocnemius, solues, trapezius, erector spinae.

Teacher will decide if answer is acceptable.


You are coaching a gymnast - what advice would you give them when performing a move on the balance beam? 

something around - 

Low centre of gravity


Wide base (if you can)

Teacher will decide if answer is acceptable.


What are the areas called in Ki O Rahi ? From outside to inside. 

Te Ao - Te Roto - Pawero - Wairua

Name the 4 whanonga pono values. 

Rangatiratanga, Manaakitanga, Kotahitanga, whanaungatanga