A testable statement about the relationship between two variables - formed at the start of a study
When a participant wishes to leave a study whilst the study is being conducted this is the ethic of
Withdrawal rights
The variable being manipulated
Independent variable
criminal profiling
This psychologist works with people to assess, diagnose, treat and prevent mental health disorders
Clinical Psychologist
The sample in a study is drawn from the wider ....
Not releasing identifying details of individuals
The variable being measured
Dependent variable
When an offender not being held criminally responsible because their mental functions were impaired at the time of the crime
Factors that can assist us reducing whether we experience a mental health issue or not are called what factors
These guidelines must always be followed in a study to ensure the protection and wellbeing of participants
Lying to participants to avoid changing their behaviour during observation
Extraneous variables
When a witness gives details of the crime to the court and identifies what they saw, heard etc this is called
eyewitness testimony
The acronym ADTP stands for
assess, diagnose, treat and prevent
The major difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist is
Psychiatrist can prescribe medication - Psychologists cannot (they use talk therapy)
Following up after the experiment
Data that involves numbers in a study
When a person is described as manipulative, unemotional and show superficial charm, whilst committing many acts of anti-social behaviour they may be described as a ____________
This model of health and wellbeing focused on the interaction between 3 levels
Biopsychosocial model
The group that provides a baseline for comparison
Control group
Participants being fully told about the experiment at the start of a study
Informed consent
A person who gives evidence in court and has specialised knowledge, skills or experience in the information they present is called an
expert witness
Most frequent value
A mark of social ‘disgrace’ that makes a person stand out from others because they have ‘undesirable’ characteristics, often associated with mental illness, is known as