Reading to Write
Jasper Jones
Jasper Jones
What is a symbol?

A person, place, object, or feeling that represents an idea or theme in the text.


Thierry Guetta's pseudonym as a street-artist

Mr Brainwash


From what video game did the french street artist Space invader get his inspiration from?

Space invader


What is the form of Jasper Jones?

 the form is a bildungsroman (a coming-of-age) and a mystery prose fiction novel, which helps the reader follow Charlie’s growth and moral dilemmas as the plot unravels.


What genre is Jasper Jones?

Bildungsroman - mystery


What does PEETAL stand for?








What technique is this?

"The emptiness clinging to them like fog"



This editing technique in Exit Through the Gift Shop is used to create a sense of authenticity and spontaneity, influencing how the audience perceives street artists and their work.


Cinema Verite


Obey pictures a famous old wrestler, who?

Andre the giant


What is a literary feature?

Features refer to the specific literary devices and techniques the author uses within the text to develop themes, create tone, and engage the reader.

simply... literary techniques


Can you identify instances of toxic masculinity in Jasper Jones, and how do they impact the characters?

Characters like Warwick Trent (bully) and the men that attack An Lu exhibit traits of toxic masculinity, influencing the narrative by perpetuating harmful norms. This behavior contributes to the challenges faced by characters and shapes their relationships.


what is form in literature?

Form in literature refers to the overall structure and framework of a text, including how it is organised and presented. It encompasses a range of elements that shape how a story is told, such as the narrative style, genre, structure, and literary techniques. Form is essentially the "how" of storytelling—how the writer conveys their message, themes, and characters to the reader.

simply... genre, narrative POV, the way the text is written and the type of writing.


This imagery appeals to the sense of sound. In literature, it can be used to convey the feelings of an outsider who feels disconnected from the noise and activity around them. For example, describing "the distant murmur of voices" can create a sense of detachment.

auditory imagery


These specific techniques are used by Banksy to both obscure his identity and control his narrative, demonstrating the power of digital technology in shaping public perception.

voice distortion and lighting hide his face


What is the artist name of the guy who made Obey?

Who is Shepherd Fairy


What is the significance of insects in Jasper Jones

Charlie's fear.

 They also symbolise the persistent buzzing of societal expectations and racial tensions in the small town of Corrigan.


Describe one literary feature from Jasper Jones

 ETA ( technique, example and analysis)

many answers...


  • Technique: Symbolism
  • Example: An Lu's garden
  • Analysis: An Lu's garden symbolises diversity and beauty of many different colours and species (multiculturalism). Its destruction by the townspeople reflects the town's racism and rejection of multiculturalism, highlighting the impact of prejudice. 

This technique uses imagery that appeals to the sense of taste, which can highlight an outsider's experience of unfamiliar or unpleasant experiences. For example, describing "the bitter taste of loneliness" can illustrate a sense of emotional estrangement.

Gustatory Imagery


 Their steps are light, almost weightless, as though the ground beneath them rejects their presence. 

Consider how this quote shows alienation. What technique can you identify and analyse?


Imagery: The description of "light, almost weightless" steps evokes a strong visual and sensory image of delicate movement.

Personification: The ground "rejects their presence," giving human qualities to an inanimate object, which emphasizes the characters' sense of not belonging or being out of place.

Simile: The comparison "as though" the ground rejects them is a simile, helping the reader understand the characters’ alienation.

Mood/Tone: The combination of these techniques creates a mood of unease or displacement, suggesting tension or conflict.


How does the use of direct interviews in Exit Through the Gift Shop influence the audience’s perception of the art world and the messages behind the artists’ works?

Direct interviews provide personal insights from artists like Banksy, Thierry Guetta, and others, allowing them to directly express their thoughts, motivations, and critiques. This technique helps shape the audience's perception by offering unfiltered viewpoints


 what is the effect of the technique of voiceover in the film? 

to give extra details and explanations that help the audience understand the events and characters better. It adds commentary that can show more about what’s happening and highlight differences from the visuals.


How do characters in Jasper Jones go against or follow the social conventions (norms) of their town?

give an example of a character and how they challenge social norms.

many answers...


Charlie Bucktin: Initially, Charlie conforms to societal expectations, but as he becomes closer to Jasper, he begins to question the town's prejudiced views and stands up to figures of authority, like his parents. he is also friends with Jeffery Lu when most wouldn't be.

Ruth Bucktin: Ruth is deeply focused on upholding the town's expectations and social norms, often criticising Charlie for his actions and blaming him for causing trouble.

Wes Bucktin: Wes stands out in the town because he doesn't conform to the toxic masculinity often displayed by other men in Corrigan. Unlike many of the town's men who are aggressive, Wes is gentle, intelligent and supportive.


Describe one example of scapegoating in JJ

( example and analysis)

many answers:

sample 1:

  • Example: Jasper Jones is blamed for Laura Wishart’s disappearance.
  • Analysis: The town blames Jasper because of his mixed-race background and troubled reputation, using him as a scapegoat for their own fears and prejudices.

sample 2:

  • Example: The Lu Family is blamed for the town's frustrations during the Vietnam War.
  • Analysis: Despite having no connection to the war, the Lus are scapegoated due to their Vietnamese heritage, reflecting the town’s racism and misplaced anger.

This imagery appeals to the sense of smell and can be used to evoke a specific atmosphere or mood. For an outsider, describing "the pungent odor of decay" in their surroundings can enhance the feeling of being in an undesirable or hostile environment.

Olfactory Imagery


"They sway like leaves, almost drifting away with the breeze, without any true connection." 

Provide technique and analysis of this line.

Uses simile to illustrate a sense of instability and lack of grounding. By comparing the subjects to leaves swaying and drifting away, the simile emphasises their vulnerability and the absence of a solid foundation or connection. This technique evokes imagery of being easily influenced or lost, reinforcing themes of disconnection and a lack of belonging belonging.


In Banksy’s “Elephant in the Room” installation from Exit Through the Gift Shop, which technique is used to manipulate public perception and how does it effectively communicate the message of ignored societal issues?

bonus 100 points if you can identify the digital technique the film uses to discuss the elephant's importance

The technique used is symbolism, with the painted elephant representing large, ignored problems in society, such as environmental and social issues. This visual metaphor is powerful and instantly recognisable, making it easy for the media to disseminate and for the public to understand the critique.

digital technology/ technique used is....  voiceover.. Banksy is doing a voiceover to discuss the importance of this elephant.


Discuss how Banksy in Exit Through the Gift Shop portrays Thierry Guetta's transformation into Mr. Brainwash and what this reveals about the influence of media on the art world.

 mention what digital techniques are used and an example of it.

 Banksy portrays Thierry Guetta’s transformation into Mr. Brainwash as a fast process fueled by passion for attention/fame rather than genuine artistic talent. Digital techniques like cinema vertie reveal he doesn’t actually create the art himself for his show—he hires a team to do it. In a direct interview, Banksy criticises Theirry by saying, “Warhol repeated iconic images until they became meaningless, but there was still something iconic about them. Thierry really makes them meaningless.” This digital technique of direct interview highlights how Guetta’s work lacks originality and depth. This demonstrates how digital media can manipulate public perception, making anyone seem like a successful artist, even when their work is shallow, exposing the art world’s susceptibility to media influence.


This incident challenges the societal issue of racial discrimination, as it reveals how even children from immigrant families are subjected to exclusion and prejudice, prompting readers to reflect on everyday racism.

The incident of Jeffery Lu by the people of Corrigan during the cricket trials.


How does Craig Silvey use the character of Jasper Jones to provoke thought about the impact of societal prejudice and the challenges of being an outsider in a close-knit community? 

various answers. 


  • Example: Jasper Jones is immediately blamed for Laura Wishart’s disappearance because of his mixed-race background and reputation as a troublemaker.
  • Technique: Characterization and societal scapegoating.
  • Analysis: Through Jasper's experiences of being unjustly blamed and ostracised, Silvey provokes thought about how societal prejudice can lead to unfair treatment and isolation of individuals who don’t fit the community’s norms. This challenges readers to reflect on the consequences of judging others based on race and reputation rather than truth and character.


How many minutes should you spend on each section of the exam?

40 minutes for each section!