Exam Setup

Outline how to respond to the 3 sections of the exam

Section I - Multiple choice
Section II - Short Answer
Section III - Extended Response


What measurement is considered High Pressure

>1013 hPa

Anything above 1013 Hectopascals 


Demography is...

A. Study of changes in the size/structure of populations
B. The average number of children a woman will have
C. Total number of deaths per 1000 people in a population
D. The number of people per unit area 

A. Study of changes in the size/structure of populations


Transect in geography means

A straight line that cuts through a natural landscape so that standardized observations and measurements can be made


The best graph to study 3 different variables that is plotted in a two-dimensional graph. 

a. Longitude and Latitude
b. Grid Reference Graph
c. Gradient Fieldwork
d. Ternary Graph

a. Longitude and Latitude
b. Grid Reference Graph
c. Gradient Fieldwork
d. Ternary Graph


Write in order which section HSC examiners recommend you take their tests

Extended Response
Short Answer
Multiple Choice
Extended Response
Multiple Choice
Short Answer


Geographers can construct cross-sections between two points on a topographic map. What is the main use for a cross section?
A. Illustrating changes in land use between two points
B. To calculate the degree to which landforms have been exaggerated
C. Analysing spatial patterns in a given area
D. Graphing landform features and changes between points 

A. Illustrating changes in land use between two points - transect lines
B. To calculate the degree to which landforms have been exaggerated 

C. Analysing spatial patterns in a given area
D. Graphing landform features and changes between points - key plot


If a government needs a Transnational Cooperation (TNC) to provide infrastructure and essential services
A. Culture
B. Dependence
C. Sovereignty
D. Dominance

A. Culture
B. Dependence
C. Sovereignty
D. Dominance


Name ONE source of primary data and ONE source of secondary information

Primary data:
Surveys, observations, experiments, questionnaires, focus groups, interviews

Secondary information:
books, journals, articles, web pages, blogs


a map in which the geometry of regions is distorted in order to convey the information of an alternate variable is a 

a. Choropleth
b. Vertical exaggeration
c. Cartogram
d. Synoptic Chart

a. Choropleth
b. Vertical exaggeration
c. Cartogram
d. Synoptic Chart


The minimum arrival time and location of our exam

Final call 9.05am
Week 4 Friday 8 November 2024 9.25 am - 12.30 pm Geography


What is the formula for Local relief 

LR = Highest Point - Lowest point 

eg. a mountain starts at 50m above sea level and peaks at 150m.
150m – 50m = 100m  


Levels of economic and social well-being, levels of urbanisation and infant mortality rates
A. Are factors affecting income
B. Are factors affecting population structure
C. Are factors of the elderly 
D. Are factors affecting fertility rates

A. Are factors affecting income
B. Are factors affecting population structure
C. Are factors of the elderly
D. Are factors affecting fertility rates


Which of the following identifies TWO urban dynamics of change? 

a. Social structure and urban decay
b. Culture of place and consolidation
c. Spatial exclusion and sustainability
d. Decentralisation and urban renewal

a. Social structure and urban decay
b. Culture of place and consolidation
c. Spatial exclusion and sustainability
d. Decentralisation and urban renewal


What part of the syllabus is the following dot point:
- traditional and contemporary management practices 

a. Ecosystems at Risk
b. Urban Places
c. People and Economic Activity
d. Geographical tools and skills

a. Ecosystems at Risk
b. Urban Places
c. People and Economic Activity
d. Geographical tools and skills


Approved equipment list for a Geography Exam

A. NESA-approved calculator, black pen, circle templates
B. a water bottle with no label, set squares, highlighters, pencil (2B)
C. Clear plastic water bottle, string, protractor and pencils
D. All of the above

C. Clear plastic water bottle, string, protractor and pencils


Which of the following cross-sections has the greatest vertical exaggeration?

Open 2016 HSC paper q19

a is 20 meters in height and is exaggerated to a size where it is the same as 80m 170m and 400m 


Which is an example of human impacts negatively effecting the functioning of the ecological system:
A. Wind erosion causing minerals and soil to wash into nearby waterways
B. Uncontrolled deforestation of an old growth forest for urban development
C. Constructing a dam to control and divert the flow of water back into a dry area
D. Creating National Parks and protected areas of wilderness

A. Wind erosion causing minerals and soil to wash into nearby waterways
B. Uncontrolled deforestation of an old growth forest for urban development
C. Constructing a dam to control and divert the flow of water back into a dry area
D. Creating National Parks and protected areas of wilderness


Evidence of climate change in the contemporary world. 

Bonus Points if you can provide a statistic 

The collaboration between the rise in Carbon Dioxide and Global Weather Temperature. 

Statistic Example: Carbon Dioxide readings have exceeded 400 ppm (parts per million) long considered the point of no return in the science community.


Measuring Land cover usage and Land cover change is found under what syllabus point?

a. Ecosystems at Risk
b. Urban Places
c. People and Economic Activity
d. Geographical tools and skills

a. Ecosystems at Risk
b. Urban Places
c. People and Economic Activity
d. Geographical tools and skills


How long will you sit in this exam

3 hours + 5 minutes reading time


Suppose that the number of Australians born in India and the United Kingdom increased by 10% from 2011 to 2019.
Approximately how many Australians born overseas would be from India and the United Kingdom in 2019
a. 1.4 million
b. 1.6 million
c. 1.8 million
d. 2.0 million

a. 1.4 million
b. 1.6 million
c. 1.8 million
d. 2.0 million


the differences between natural climate change and human induced climate change

Causes of occurrence
Rates of occurrence


List evidence of climate change in land cover

Biggest list is First place > 500 , Second > 400 etc

Show me what you got

Deforestation, Desertification, Ice sheet, Glaciers, Cyclones, Bush fires. 

Change in density of biomes: trees, grass, crops, wetlands, water, ice, buildings, and pavement.


Name as many Geography Skills and Tools in 10 seconds
Biggest list is First place > 500 , Second > 400 etc

Show me what you got