Islamic Principal Beliefs
Islamic Sacred Texts
Islamic Core Ethical Teachings
Islamic Expressions of Faith

The six principal beliefs of Islam are also known as the six _________________________.

What are Articles of Faith or Aquida?


This sacred text is believed to contain the complete, unaltered revelations of Allah.

What is the Quran?


This is the elaborate legal code developed by the Sunni, which encompasses every area of personal, moral and social life for Muslim adherents.

What is Shariah Law?


The Islamic expressions of faith are also known as the _______________________.

What are the 5 Pillars?


This is the monotheistic belief of Islam that acknowledges the unity of Allah and His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad.

What is Tawhid?


The Quran is organised into this many surahs or chapters.

What is 114?


This term refers to duties that are obligatory for Muslim adherents. It can include things such as the practice of the 5 Pillars and personal duties such as caring for one's family.

What is fard?


Identify the 5 Pillars of Islam.

What is Shahada, Salat, Zakat, Ramadan and Hajj?


Define the principal belief of Akhira.

Akhira is the Islamic belief in life after death, and the notion that the actions and thoughts of Muslim adherents will be assessed by Allah on the Day of Judgement.


These are the four key themes of the Quran.

What is monotheism, prophethood, resurrection and justice?


This term refers to the deep understanding and systematic organisation which guides Islamic law.

What is jurisprudence?


The following quote from the Quran refers to which Islamic expression of faith: “and those who pay the prescribed alms…will we Grant a tremendous reward.”

What is Zakat?


These are the four main Books of Allah or revelation, according to the Islamic religious tradition.

What is the Torah of Moses, the Psalms of David, the Gospels of Jesus and the Quran?


This sacred text begins with a listing of those who have preserved and transmitted the accounts, and provides authoritative, accepted behaviour as guidance for Islamic adherents.

What is the Hadith?


Define halal and haram. Provide an example of each to support your explanation.

  • Halal (permissible) - e.g. giving to charity, hard work and pursuit of knowledge
  • Haram (prohibited except under certain conditions) - e.g. the consumption of alcoholic beverages or drugs

Describe Hajj.

Hajj is an annual pilgrimage to Mecca and the 5th Pillar of Islam. It is an opportunity for spiritual cleansing and a six-day physical journey in the footsteps of the prophets Abraham and Muhammad. The rituals of Hajj allow adherents to demonstrate their submission to Allah, and start/end at the Ka'bah.


These are the TWO principal beliefs that reveal insights into the messengers of Allah - ones which are instruments of His will and the other that includes significant figures such as Adam, Ibrahim and Jesus Christ.

What are Angels and Rusul?


This is the second most authoritative text in Islam, which covers the traditions and practices of Muhammad that Muslims are encouraged to emulate.

What is the Sunna?


These two principles are used when there is no ruling or opinion on a particular legal point found in the Qur’an or Hadith. They are used to extend the scope of Shariah Law and are known as consensus and analogy.

What are Ijma and Qiyas?


Explain the significance of Ramadan for Muslim adherents.

Ramadan challenges adherents to acknowledge that the substances they take for granted come from Allah. This constant exercise of fasting and reflection sharpens will power and self-control of Muslims and assists them in overcoming their ego (which hinders one's ability to submit to Allah).