German Verbs
German history
German inventions
German traditions
German expressions

past participle of spielen



What happened in 1949 in Germany?

Germany got divided. The US, French and British zones in the west became the Federal Republic of Germany; the Soviet zone in the east became the communist German Democratic Republic.


This German invention makes it easier to play Germany's national sport in wet weather.

der Fußballschuh
(football boots – with screw-in studs)
Invented: 1948


German people often create clear boundaries between work and home life. On this day, virtually everything is closed, giving German workers designated time to be with their friends and family.

Sunday = Ruhetag

Shops don't open, most people don't work, and towns become ghostly quiet on Sundays. But this respect for silence doesn't just apply to shopping. There are also legally binding rules for how much noise you can make in your own home during these quiet hours.


This idiom is used to describe someone's love of reading

Ich bin eine Leseratte


past participle of kaufen



What happened in 1961in Germany?

Construction of the Berlin Wall ends steady flight of people from East to West.


This German invention had a significant impact on medicine and healthcare. It is one of the most commonly used pain relievers.

Aspirin invented by Felix Hoffmann, a German chemist, in 1897.


Traditional German clothing is instantly recognizable, and Germans still bring it out for celebrations such as Oktoberfest.

Dirndl & Lederhosen


This idiom describes a compulsive candy eater , person with a sweet tooth. 

Ich bin eine Naschkatze


past participle of haben



What happened in 2002 ?

Euro replaces Deutsche Mark


 This German invention allowed for the mass production of books and written material, promoting the spread of knowledge

Johannes Gutenberg Printing Press 1440


As children start school, anxiety and fear can run high. On the first day of school, parents and grandparents will give kids this decorated paper cone filled with gifts to bring light-hearted fun to the day.



This phrase is used when trying to express that life is not easy.

Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof.


past participle of denken



What happened in 2005?

Angela Merkel becomes the first female chancellor in "grand coalition" with Social Democrats after inconclusive elections in September.


This German invention played a pivotal role in improving automobile safety. It rapidly inflates upon impact and thus reduces the risk of injury during a collision.

The Airbag invented by Wanter Linderer in 1951


This is the most popular sport in Germany, and Germans love to watch it (and play it) as much as they love to hike or drink beer. Whet's the name of this sport and how many times did Germany win the World Cup?

The German national soccer team won the World Cup four times (1954, 1974, 1990, 2014).


This expression is just another, more creative, way of saying “enough is enough”. It’s often used when someone is fed up with a particular situation and no longer wants to talk about it.

Ich habe die Nase voll.


past participle of wissen 



What happened 9/10 November 1938?

Kristallnacht- literally, "Night of Crystal," is often referred to as the "Night of Broken Glass."  On November 9–10, 1938, German Nazis attacked Jewish persons and property.


This invention was made in 1887 by the German physiologist Adolf Eugen Fick. He first fitted animals with them and later made them for people to improve their vision.

Contact Lenses 


Germany is the world leader in it and German take real pride in it, in fact it is so ingrained in German culture that it’s considered normal behavior. Huge fines await those who can’t adhere to these rules. 

Recycling Is a German Lifestyle


In Germany, if you’ve got a bit of a crush on someone but they don’t feel the same way about you and you get rejected, you might get given a basket as a bit of a consolation “prize”!

Einen Korb geben