The Sound of Thunder short story
Literary Terms
The Kiss short story
Mrs Johnston's Grammar Bonus
Destroy utterly; obliterate, or defeat completely
Define 'annihilate'
Christ, Moses, Alexander the Great, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, President Keith
Name the figures from history that have not been born yet, that Travis mentions when they arrive in the past.
eg. When he sees the dinosaur, Eckels feels rooted to the path like a stunned parrot.
What is a simile? Provide an example on the topic of The Sound of Thunder.
Our dog is now three years' old.
Correct the verb in this sentence. Our dog was now three years’ old.
to spoil, ruin, poison or stain
Define 'taint'
Eg. Eckels was the shooter/hunter, but he ends up as the person likely to be shot
What is an example of irony that occurs in The Sound of Thunder?
eg. The time machine is a piercing bullet that destroys history.
What is a metaphor? Provide an example on the topic of The Sound of Thunder.
I am going to start a part time job on Monday. I will start a part time job on Monday.
Correct the verb in this sentence. I will starting a part time job on Monday.
to the point of infinity; indefinitely
Define 'infinitesimally'
When the time travellers return to the present, they will pass each other going back in time, making the machine jump. Lesperance says, 'Time steps aside, like an airplane hitting an air pocket.'
Explain the time travel paradox that occurs in The Sound of Thunder, and why Eckels can't find out how his time travel experience turned out.
The main character or characters of a story. Travis and Lesperance are also protagonists in The Sound of Thunder.
What is a protagonist, and who are the protagonists besides Eckels?
b and c - those with the most descriptive language and imagery allowing the weather, setting and senses to tell the story, in the style of Goldsworthy - those with rationales that explained the themes, purpose and techniques
Which Creative Responses achieved higher marks? - those with the most action-packed plots - those with the most descriptive language and imagery allowing the weather, setting and senses to tell the story, in the style of Goldsworthy - those with rationales that explained the themes, purpose and techniques
Lee and his brother Chan were at the interschool sports carnival.
Correct the verb in this sentence. Lee and his brother Chan was at the interschool sports carnival.
Below the level of outward consciousness or awareness
Define 'subliminal'
More mice, foxes, lions, insects, vultures, cavemen, wild boar, sabre-toothed tiger.
Name the evolutionary change described by Travis, that could result from killing one mouse.
Foreshadowing is a warning or indication of a future event
Explain the term foreshadowing.
eg. The frog stuck in the reservoir.
Give an example of foreshadowing from Goldsworthy's short story 'The Kiss'.
Tom leapt/jumped into the tank without a moment's thought.
Correct this sentence. Tom into the tank without a moment’s thought.
The butterfly effect is the concept that small causes can have large effects.
Define 'the butterfly effect' and give some examples from the film version of The Sound of Thunder.
- Time travel to the age of dinosaurs - Anti-gravity metal - Social commentary on election candidates and rulers of the past - Dramatic plot when Eckels meets the dinosaur
Name 3 aspects of The Sound of Thunder that are features of the Sci-Fi genre
- Tom and Kenny are rescued by aliens
Which of these plots did not occur in the class Creative Responses? - Kenny choosing life-guard for his life-long career - supernatural phenomenon of Tom reappearing as a ghost - Kenny's mother starts a campaign to seal all water reservoirs - Tom and Kenny are rescued by aliens
Peter enjoys playing computer games, but does not let them affect his study.
Correct this sentence. Peter enjoy the computer game, but does not let them affect his study.