Aboriginal Spirituality 1
Religion Post-1945 I
Religion Post-1945 II

What is kinship?

What is family relationships that exist between people, and the rights and obligations associated with those relationships


Denominational Switching

What is when individuals change their affiliation from one Christian denomination to another.


Define Interfaith Dialogue.

What is conversations and collaborations between different religious traditions to promote understanding and peace.


Significant symbolism of Baptism in Christianity

What is it symbolises the cleansing of sin and admission into the Christian faith.


A’isha Bint AbuBakar

What is one of Prophet Muhammad’s wives and a significant figure in early Islamic history.


The primary way that Aboriginal spirituality is determined

What is The Dreaming. 



What is the separation of religion from public life and the decline of religious influence in society.


An example of a New Age belief or practice.

What is Meditation, crystal healing, or astrology.


Christian stance on environmental ethics. Christians are called to be ....

What is stewards of God's creation, caring for the environment as a reflection of their love for God.


A) What Islamic teachings use to guide decision-making in bioethics

B) What bioethics prioritises

A) What is decisions that are based on the Qur'an and Hadith.

B) What is prioritising the preservation of life and preventing harm.


How dispossession affected Aboriginal people's connection to the land.

What is it severed their spiritual connection to their ancestral lands, which are central to their Dreaming.  


How Christianity has maintained its status as the major religious tradition in Australia despite declining numbers.

What is due to cultural traditions, historical influence, and the large number of Christian schools, charities, and organisations.


A religious trend observed in the 2016 Australian census

What is an increase in people identifying as "No Religion."


THREE issues that fall under Christian bioethics

What is abortion, euthanasia, organ donation, and/or reproductive technologies.


Key contribution of Rabi’a al-Adawiyya to Islamic spirituality and what movement.

What is she emphasised love for God above fear of Hell or desire for Heaven, influencing the Sufi movement.


The Stolen Generations and the year bracket.

What is Aboriginal children forcibly removed from their families by government policies between the late 1910s and the 1970s and assimilated into the white community


The role of the National Council of Churches

What is to promote unity and collaboration among Christian churches in Australia.


The term used to describe greater respect and understanding between different religious communities.

What is Multiculturalism.


Major contribution did Pope John XXIII make to Christianity

What is he initiated the Second Vatican Council, which modernised many aspects of the Catholic Church.


Five pillars of Islam in arabic and english

What is

Shahada (faith)

Salat (prayer)

Zakat (charity)

Sawm (fasting)

Hajj (pilgramage)


The Apology - the what, which prime minister and date.

What is when PM Kevin Rudd on 13th February 2008 apologised to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for past treatment,


The abolition of the White Australia Policy in the 1970s allowed for this.

What is greater diversity in immigration, increasing the presence of non-Christian religions.


The impact of post-1970 immigration policies on Australia's religious diversity.

What is an increase in non-Christian religions such as Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism.


School of Thought: What Pauline Theology contributed by Paul of Tarsus emphasised...

What is salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the importance of grace.  


Three ways Friday prayer (Jumu’ah) express core Islamic beliefs?

What is it emphasises the importance of community, regular worship, and submission to God (Allah).