Who Said That?
Finish the Song!
It. needs. Context.
It's Lit.
World News
"I grew up in that house...Don't I deserve something? 

Aunty Jean


This land is mine 

All the ____ __ ___ ___ ____ ____ 

This land is mine 

All the way to the old fence line 


When was Noonuccal's poetry suit published and what was it inspired by? 

1984 - her trip to China 


What language technique is the Ocean in Past The Shallows? 



What country (or in particular a group) has recently enforced women to wear the veils and are not allowed to speak outside of their home. 

Afghanistan (The Taliban) 


"If I save them they'll last longer - they'll last until school" 



Finish the lyric: 

Once I knew what was wrong and right

God was good,____ _____  ____  ______ 

God was good, black was never white 


What political party did Noonuccal align with and why?

Refer to one poem that shows this.  

The communist party: it was the only political party that also included Indigenous peoples in their vision of equality. 

This is seen in China...woman.


What is this an example of? And what is the effect in the context of the poem 'Entombed Warriors'? 

His fear

His insecurity 


Repeats 'his' to emphasise his humanity (and the change of perception) 


Who is the Trump's VP pick and what is he famous for saying about women? 

J.D Vance

He was concerned that the country was being run by 'a bunch of childless cat ladies" 


"I left my parka at Stuart's" 

Harry - when Dad is making both Harry and Miles go to the boat


One night the moon came a-sailing by

Called ____  ___  _______ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____

One night the moon came a-sailing by

Called all the dreamers to come for a ride. 


When was 'One Night the Moon' published? 

What is the year that the event (which the movie is based off) occurred?

2001: published 

1932: Event occured


"Lotus plants nod their heads in agreement"

What poem is this from? What technique is used? What is the significance of the technique? 



Showcases Oodgeroo's desire for harmony - where the natural world is in agreement with society. 


In June this year, the founder of WikiLeaks was finally released from prison in the UK and able to return home to Australia after striking a plea deal. 

What was his full name and what did he do? 

Julian Assange 

Whistleblower: publishing classified documents specifically regarding the army 


Who said this AND what is happening? 

"A few days of this! A few days of this and we're back." 


Early in the book when they are on the boat and get lucky with fishing abalone 


They sang my praises _____ _____ ____ 

____ ___ ____ ____ ___ _____ 

They sang my praises far and wide 

But it didn't mean a thing 


Who is Sun Yat-Sen? 

Who is Qin Shi Huang? 

What Army is referred to in 'China...Woman' 

Sun Yat-Sen = First president of the Republic of China 

Qin Shi Huang = First Emperor of China 

PLA = Peoples Liberation Army 


Name 3 macro techniques seen in Noonuccal's poetry & explain what TWO of them do. 

Stanza length 




In June a Senator in the Australian Labour party crossed the floor during a controversial debate. What was their name and what was the debate on? 

Fatima Payman 

She proclaimed the war in Gaza was a 'genocide' 


Who said this AND what is happening? 

"You can give me my stick back now" 


At the end of the book, when Miles and Justin are surfing together. 


These tiny bones --- They'll never ____

____ ____ ____ _____ ___ ____ ___ ___  

These tiny bones - they'll never grow 

They'll never know what you could have become 


What are two land-mark moments that occurred in the later half of the 1900s (1950-1999) that contributed to Indigenous equality? Give the forma titles

Give the exact years. 

1967 Referendum: Gave voting rights to Indigenous peoples

1992: NATIVE Title act 

Mabo v Queensland: a landmark decision of the High Court of Australia that recognised the existence of Native Title in Australia


What is a double entendre? 

Give an example from a text you have studied 

When a word has two meanings. 

Miles needed to 'man' the boat. 


There were a series of protests in Kenya during June this year. What was it about and what was the outcome? 

The protests were against the tax increases proposed by the Government of Kenya in the Finance Bill and for President Ruto to step down. 

The bill was withdrawn. The government lost millions.