What is an example of solids in real life?
Rock, table, metal
What is an example of liquids in real life?
Water, juice, milk
What is an example of gases in real life?
Air, burps, farts
What is a characteristic of a solid?
It has a fixed shape.
What is a characteristic of a liquid?
It takes flows and takes the shape of its container.
What is a characteristic of a gas?
It fills up the space.
When you change solids to liquids, what is it called?
When you change liquids to gas, what is it called?
When you change gas to liquids, what is it called?
Give an example of melting other than ice.
Ice cream or chocolate melting.
When you change liquids to solids, what is it called?
Give an example of condensation, other than the shower.
Condensation on cold glass of drink or on a can.
When you change solids to gases, what is it called?
Give an example of evaporation other than water.
Hot cup of coffee or when cooking.
When you change gases to solids, what is it called?