What does el parque mean?
the park
What does estoy fenomenal mean?
I am phenomenal!
What is the word for Spanish?
el español
What does Me gusta mean?
I like... Bonus: What does No me gusta mean?
count 1-10
uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez
how do you pronounce this word: HAY
"I". Bonus: what does hay mean?
True or False: triste is the word for tired.
False. What is the spanish word for tired?
Name 3 school subjects we have learned.
la geografía, la ciencia, la lectura, el español, el inglés, las matemáticas, la plástica, la educación físíca, la historia, la música
give me the words for AND and BUT.
and = y and but = pero
give me the names of 5 colors.
azul, rojo, verde, rosa, amarillo, naranja, morado, blanco, negro, etc.
True or false: el cine means the city.
False. Bonus question: What is the Spanish word for city?
What is the difference between "tengo calor" and "tengo frío"?
tengo calor means 'i am hot', tengo frío means 'i am cold.'
translate this sentence: la lectura es interesante.
Reading is interesting.
What does this mean? Me encantan el inglés porque es fácil.
I love english because it is easy.
How do you say good night in Spanish?
Buenas Noches
Translate this sentence: Me gusta la piscina.
I like the pool.
How do you say I am feeling silly?
Estoy gracioso/a.
What is the word for physical education, or PE?
la educación físíca
What does this mean? ¿Prefieres la historia o las matemáticas?
Do you prefer history or maths?
How do you say How Are You?
¿Cómo estás?
If I went to "el centro comercial" and "el centro de ocio", what 2 places would I have went to?
the shopping center and the leisure center
Translate this sentence into Spanish: I am doing well and I am hungry.
Estoy bien y tengo hambre.
How do you spell the word for geography?
geografia. bonus: what letter is the accent on?
Translate this sentence into Spanish: I like the leisure center because it is useful, but I don't like the restaurant because it is boring.
Me gusta el centro de ocio porque es útil, pero no me gusta el restaurante porque es aburrido.
What does "Como te llamas" mean?
What's your name? Bonus: How would you answer that in Spanish?