The thousands in 435, 234
5, 000
What is at the center of our Solar System?
The Sun
What is it called when light slows down and bends?
What is the largest state or territory in Australia?
Western Australia
My dog Banjo is completely unhinged and a nut job.
Who is Ms. Rudstein?
Which is larger
The largest planet in our solar system?
Umbra and Pen-Umbra
Which city has more people; Sydney or Melbourne
Before I was at King David, I taught at a school in London.
Who is Taryn, Rachel, Kim or Mr Sharp?
(200 points for each correct answer)
Which is larger
a tenth
twenty thousandths
a tenth
The technical name for the theory that the earth is the center of the universe
What is 'geocentrism'?
The three terms used to describe how much light can pass through an object.
(120 points per correct answers)
What is Opaque, Transparent and Translucent?
The continents on Earth
(75 points per correct answer)
-North America
-South America
Before I worked at King David as a staff member, I was a student at King David.
Who is Ike or Marc Light or Ellie?
(200 points for each right answer)
2121 in 12 hour time.
What is 9:21?
The number of Earth years it would take for Neptune to orbit the Sun.
Around 165 Earth Years
The electromagnetic spectrum
Who is Leonardo Da Vinci?
I was Naomi's mentor teaching when Naomi was studying at University.
Who is Janice?
The number of minutes in 3 and 3/4 hours.
What is 225 minutes?
Galileo discovered these many moons orbiting Jupitar.
(50 bonus points if you can name these moons)
What is 4 moons?
(Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto)
What is purple / indigo?
What is Blue?
Who is the best Year 5 teacher?
(Reduce your score to 0 if incorrect)
Romy and Mr Sharp