Cardio & Flexibility
Muscular Endurance & Strength
Agility & Balance
Co-ordination & Muscular Power
Reaction time & Speed

Name the most common test for cardiovascular fitness

Beep test


What is muscular endurance?

A muscles ability to sustain repeated actions overtime.
ability of a muscle or group of muscles to keep working over a long period without getting tired.

What is agility?

Agility is your ability to change direction with balance, speed and co-ordination.


What is co-ordination?

Ability to use different parts of your body together smoothly and efficiently to perform a task or movement.


What is reaction time?

The interval of time between perceiving a stimulus and responding to it.


Name a test to measure flexibility of the hamstrings

Sit & Reach test


Identify a test for muscular strength

Handgrip dynameter test


What is balance?

The ability to maintain control of your body’s position


Identify a test that measures lower body muscular power:

Vertical jump test

Identify a fitness test that measures speed.

30m sprint test.


How does cardiovascular exercise benefit the health of an individual?

- Heart health

- Weight management

- Increased energy/mood

- Strengthens immunity

- Improves sleep


List TWO exercises that improve lower body muscular strength

  • Deadlifts
  • Leg Press
  • Step-Ups
  • Bulgarian Split Squats
  • Leg Curls
  • Leg Extensions
  • Glute Bridges
  • Calf Raises
  • Box Jumps
  • Squats
  • Lunges

Name ONE test for balance:

Stork Stand Test


Justify how muscular power is beneficial in sports like netball:

It helps players make strong, explosive movements for actions like jumping to catch or block, and quickly accelerating to change direction.


Provide an example of reaction time in a sport:

*answers will vary

  • Tennis: Reacting quickly to a fast serve to return the ball effectively.
  • Basketball: Responding to an opponent's sudden move or pass to intercept or block the shot.
  • Soccer: Reacting swiftly to a teammate’s pass or a changing play to control or redirect the ball.
  • Baseball: Reacting to a pitched ball to swing the bat at the right moment.
  • Swimming: Reacting to the starting signal in a race to dive into the pool as quickly as possible.
  • Boxing: Reacting to an opponent’s punch to dodge or counterattack.

How can flexibility prevent injuries?

Improve range of motion around a joint


How does muscular endurance differ from muscular strength?

Muscular endurance is the ability to keep using muscles for a long time without getting tired, while muscular strength is the ability to lift or exert a lot of force in a SINGLE effort.


List ONE activity to improve agility:

  • Ladder Drills: Running through an agility ladder to enhance footwork and quickness.
  • Cone Drills: Navigating around cones in various patterns to improve directional changes.
  • Jump Rope: Skipping rope to develop quick foot movements and coordination.
  • Shuttle Runs: Sprinting back and forth between markers to boost speed and change of direction.
  • Hurdle Drills: Jumping over hurdles to improve coordination and explosiveness.

List the training method that can be used to enhance coordination:

- Circuit training (with ladders, hurdles etc)


List one drill to improve reaction time in cricket:

*Answers will vary:

  • Catch the Ball: Partner throws a ball at you from various distances and speeds; try to catch it as quickly as possible.
  • Reaction Ball Toss: Use a reaction ball (a bouncy, irregularly shaped ball) that bounces unpredictably; react quickly to catch it.
  • Light or Sound Signals: Respond to light or sound cues by performing a specific movement or action, such as starting a sprint or changing direction.
  • Agility Ladder Drills: Perform quick, precise footwork drills using an agility ladder to enhance reaction time to foot movements.
  • Mirror Drills: Partner mimics your movements, and you must quickly mirror their actions.
  • Cone Drills: Set up cones in various patterns; sprint to touch or navigate around them as quickly as possible in response to visual cues.
  • Ball Drops: Have a partner drop a ball from a height; try to catch it before it hits the ground.
  • Strobe Light Training: Use a strobe light that intermittently turns off and on; practice reacting to the changing light conditions.
  • Tennis Ball Drop: Drop a tennis ball and react to catch it before it bounces twice.
  • Quick Feet Drills: Perform drills like quick foot taps on a step or platform to improve your reaction speed to changes in movement.

What sport uses both flexibility and cardiovascular fitness? Hint: Aussies are REALLY good at it



Explain the relationship between muscular strength and injury prevention:

Muscular strength helps prevent injuries by supporting joints, improving stability, and absorbing impact.


Name ONE sport that uses both agility and balance and justify this

*answers will vary
Soccer, gymnastics, tennis


Provide a specific example of how improving coordination improves athletes in their sports.

  • Synchronized Movements: Helps athletes move different body parts together smoothly.
  • Improved Timing: Allows for precise timing of actions, like hitting a tennis ball.
  • Better Balance: Enhances stability and control during dynamic movements.
  • Complex Skill Execution: Supports the smooth performance of intricate skills, such as dribbling in basketball.

List ONE track event that uses both reaction time and speed

100m, 200m, 400m ... (and so on)