Basics of Geography
Themes of geography
Maps and Mapping
Random Mix

What is a natural resource?

Something that is found in nature and can be used by people. Earth's natural resources include light, air, water, plants, animals, soil, stone, minerals, and fossil fuels.


What is physical geography?

The study of what our planet is like. Topics include oceans, rivers, glaciers, the coast weather, climate, and rocks, etc. 

What is a contour line?

It is used on maps to show areas of elevation. Closer lines indicate steeper slopes

What is the primary purpose of a legend/key on a map?

To explain the symbols and colors used on the map


What is an aerial photo?

Technique of photographing the Earth's surface or features of its atmosphere or hydrosphere with cameras mounted on aircraft, rockets, or drones


What is human geography?

How and where we live. How our numbers are growing, where we live, how we earn a living. Countries and development


What is the purpose of scale on a map?

To show the ratio between a distance on the map and the actual distance on the ground


Discuss how access to clean water can impact human geography.

It influences population distribution, health, and economic activities


Define physical geography and provide examples of topics it covers.

The branch of geography dealing with natural features and processes, including mountains, rivers, and climates?

What is environmental geography?

Our impact on our surroundings. We share Earth with living things, and we impact one another


If you are facing North and turn to your right, what direction are you facing?



What is a compass rose used for on a map?

To indicate the cardinal directions (North, South, East, and West)?


Define human geography and provide examples of topics it studies. 

Human geography looks at the relationships humans have with the earth. Examples include: HIC, LIC, Development, Buildings, human causes of climate change, etc. 


Describe how natural disasters can affect human populations and environment both positively and negatively

Through both positive changes (e.g., improved agricultural practices) and negative changes (e.g., natural disasters)?


What is the difference between longitude and latitude

The line of latitude measures north and south from the equator, while longitude measures east and west from the prime meridian


Discuss the importance of maps in geography.

maps provide spatial information, show physical features, political boundaries, and are used for navigation and planning?


Describe the location of the United Kingdom. You need 3 full points to get full marks. 

The United Kingdom is an island located in the Atlantic Ocean (1 mark). It is in the north west of Europe (1 mark). It is located in the northern hemisphere (1 mark). 


Identify and explain why HICs may react differently than LICs when dealing with a natural hazard

HICs have more money so they can plan and prepare more. LICs have less money so they rely on aid after the event.


What is GIS?

Stands for Geographic information system, used to analyze date and create maps

What is an Ordnance Survey map?

A map of places, with lots of detail using various symbols. They have numbered grid lines and help navigate an area