How does Dylan first discover his love for paper planes?
During a school lesson
What can an eagle represent?
Who is the main character of the film?
What does Jack say to Dylan to show his support.
Study everything that flies
What is Dylan's biggest challenge at the local competiton?
No support from his father
What is a motif in the film?
The paper plane
Who becomes Dylan's friend during the Championships?
What audio code is used when Dylan is competing?
Uplifting and motivational music
What is a major event of conflict that Dylan has with Jason?
Jason pushes him down the stairs.
What does the flashback of Dylan and his mother symbolise?
The memories and motivation Dylan has
How does Dylan's relationship with his father change?
They become closer when his father supports him more.
What visual technique do they use to show Dylan's growth and motivation.
A montage of Dylan trying and attempting the paper planes
What does Dylan do differently at the end of the film?
Makes his paper plane an eagle.
What can the community fundraiser represent?
The support Dylan has during the competiton
What motivates Dylan to make paper planes?
The memory of his mother
How do the settings of the story impact the growth of Dylan?
They represent Dylan's progress and his scale of achievements.
Who becomes an unexpected ally for Dylan?
His school bully.
What does the bird in the final scene symbolise?
Dylan's freedom from grief
What is the parallelism of Dylan's journey?
He wins the paper plane competition and goes through the journey of grief.
How does the film use dialogue to show the growth of Jack and Dylan
The dialogue becomes more supportive and positive throughout the film.