Properties of Substances
Ball Sports

Steam from the kettle is an example of a:

A) solid

B) liquid

C) gas

D) plasma

C) gas


If a substance floats on water, this means it is _____ dense than water.



Which type of rugby do the Cronulla Sharks play: Rugby League, or Rugby Union?

Rugby League


Which of the following states has the strongest bonds?

A) Solid

B) Liquid

C) Gas

D) Water

A) Solid


True or false: a substance will have the same density on the moon as it has on Earth, but its weight will be different.

True--since density uses mass, instead of weight, this means that it does not change when you go from Earth into space!


What is the nickname given to the Australian women's soccer team?

The Matildas


Which of the following is a chemical property of sodium?

A) Sodium is a soft grey-silver metal.

B) Water and sodium combust violently when combined.

C) Sodium is one of the least dense metals.

B) Water and sodium combust violently when combined.

A particular 1L bottle of milk weights 1,000g. 

A particular 1L bottle of custard weighs 1,100g.

A particular 1L bottle of tomato sauce weighs 1,300g.

Which substance is the most dense?

The tomato sauce--since they are all the same volume, but the sauce has the most mass/weight.


This specific soccer ball, called the Adidas Jabulani, was created for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Which country hosted this World Cup?

South Africa


What is one difference between evaporation and boiling?

evaporation is slower, occurs only from the surface of the liquid, does not produce bubbles.

Boiling is faster, can occur throughout the whole liquid, produces lots of bubbles.


Order these liquids from least dense to most dense:


ethanol --> oil --> water --> honey


Which tall forward has been the Coleman Medal winner in the AFL for the last 2 years in a row?
(Most goals kicked in a season)

Charlie Curnow


Why does a fart smell less the longer it has been around in the air? Explain, using the particle model.

Gas particles spread out in whatever space/room they are in, so eventually they get so far apart that they are just mixed in with the air and are not concentrated enough to smell.


Since the bonds between particles are stronger in solids than liquids, most substances are denser in solid form than they are in liquid form.

For example, solid gold will sink if you drop it into liquid (melted) gold. 

What is one very common substance which breaks this rule?

Water--ice (solid water) is actually less dense than liquid water, so it floats on top of it!


In Harry Potter, what is the name given to the smallest and most valuable ball in the game of Quidditch, which flies around the field and effectively wins the game for whichever team catches it?

The Golden Snitch (often known as just the Snitch)