Describe/ Draw a plunging wave.
Plunging waves curl and crash
What is the most common cause of skin cancer?
Overexposure to UV rays from the sun.
What does DRSABCD stand for?
Danger, Response, Send for help, Airway, Breathing, CPR, Defibrillation
What do red and yellow flags mean at the beach?
Safe swimming zone with lifeguard supervision
What is the safest way to enter a pool with unknown depth?
Feet-first entry, like a slide-in entry
What should you do if caught in a rip current?
Stay calm, float, swim parallel (or diagonally) to the shore to escape
How do UVA and UVB rays affect the skin?
UVA causes aging and deep skin damage; UVB causes sunburn and skin cancer.)
How many chest compressions and rescue breaths should be given in CPR?
30 compressions to 2 breaths
Why should you check the water before jumping into a lake or river?
Hidden dangers like rocks, strong currents, and debris
Name two types of non-contact rescues.
Rope throw rescue, reach rescue using a pole or kickboard.
Name two signs of a rip current
Discoloured water, foam extending beyond breaking waves, floating debris, or a calm patch between breaking waves.
What are the five key sun safety actions?
Slip on a shirt, Slop on sunscreen, Slap on a hat, Seek shade, Slide on sunglasses.
What should you do first if you find someone unconscious?
Check for danger, then try to get a response from them.
What do black and white checkered flags mean?
Surfcraft-only area; no swimming
When should you use a wade-in entry instead of a dive
In shallow, murky, or unknown water depths
What is a rip current?
A strong, fast-moving stream of water that pulls swimmers away from shore.
What does SPF stand for?
Sun Protective Factor
What does COWS stand for when chcking for response?
Can you hear me, open your eyes, what's your name, squeeze my hand
Surfcraft-only area; no swimming
No lifeguards, potential rip currents, and lack of immediate help in emergencies.
What is the difference between a non-contact tow and a contact tow?
A non-contact tow keeps the rescuer at a distance, using a flotation device, while a contact tow involves direct physical support of the victim
How do tides affect beach safety?
High tide reduces beach space and increases wave strength; low tide exposes hazards like rocks and drop-offs.
How does sunscreen SPF work?
SPF multiplies the time it takes for skin to burn; SPF 30 means 30× longer protection than without sunscreen.
What do you have to make sure you do before turning on the Defib
What are three things you should check before swimming at the beach?
Weather conditions, tide levels, and signs of rip currents
BONUS: What equipment do you need to bring to swimming tomorrow?
100 points for every correct answer
Goggles, towel, change of clothes, sun shirt, permission forms etc.