七(qī )
白色的皮肤(báisè de pífū)
white skin
三月(sān yuè )
我叫(wǒ jiào )Mr Bean
I am called Mr Bean
你好,我不是超人(nǐ hǎo, wǒ bùshì chāorén)
Hello, I am not superman
十四(shísì )
黄色的牙齿(huáng sè de yáchi)
yellow teeth
十一月(shíyī yuè )
我的女朋友十六岁(wǒ de nǚ péngyǒu shíliù suì)
My girlfriend is sixteen
再见,中国(zàijiàn, zhōngguó)
bye (bye), China
九十九(jiǔ shí jiǔ )
ninety nine
超长的头发(chāo cháng de tóufǎ )
super long hair
二月六日(Èr yuè liù rì )
6 February
我的好朋友有蓝色眼睛(wǒ de hǎo péngyǒu yǒu lán sè yǎnjīng)
My good friend has blue eyes
他的生日是一月二十六日(tā de shēngrì shì yī yuè èrshíliù rì)
His birthday is 26 January
一百(yībǎi )
one hundred
胖胖的小手(pàng pàng de xiǎoshǒu)
chubby small hands
八月二十六日(bā yuè èrshíliù rì )
26 August
我的男朋友最帅(wǒ de nán péngyǒu zuì shuài)
My boyfriend is the most handsome
她很酷(tā hěn kù)
She is very cool
三百六十五(sān bǎi liù shí wǔ)
three hundred and sixty five
超人有大大的手和大大的脚(chāorén yǒu dàdà de shǒu hé dàdà de jiǎo)
superman has big hands and big feet
一九八六年五月三十日(yījiǔbāliù nián wǔ yuè sānshí rì)
30 May 1986
我和我的好朋友喜欢一起打排球(wǒ hé wǒ de hǎo péngyǒu xǐhuān yīqǐ dǎ páiqiú)
My friend and I like to play volleyball together.
我和你(wǒ hé nǐ)
me and you