When is consent needed?
When the casualty is awake/ conscious
It is implied if the casualty is NOT conscious
What Does DRSABCD stand for?
Send for help
What is the treatment for a snake bite?
PIT- Pressure Immobilization Technique
- Call 000
- Give EpiPen
- After 5 minutes give EpiPen again
- Start giving CPR if needed.
What is an example of legal duty of care
A person over 18 looking after someone under 18.
A teacher with students
There may be more examples
When performing CPR, how many compressions for every 2 breaths?
What is the treatment of a non-life-threatening sea creature?
Hot water- as hot as the casualty can take
How do you check for a response from a casualty?
- Can you hear me?
- Open your eyes
- What is your name?
- Squeeze my hands
If unconscious:When can you stop performing CPR?
- When someone more trained comes
- If you get too tired
- If the casualty recovers
How do you check for breathing when following DRSABCD?
- Listen
- Feel
What is the treatment for a bee or wasp sting
A cold pack
What is anaphylaxis
A severe, life-threatening reaction due to an allergy
What is an example of a soft-tissue injury
- Bruise
- Strain
- Sprain
What part of your hand do you use when giving CPR?
Your palm
How many cycles of CPR should you do in 2 minutes?
How do you treat a soft tissue injury
R- Rest
I- Ice
C- Compression
E- Elevate
R- Referral
How do you check for breathing?
Feel, look, listen