The English Civil War
The American Revolution
The French Revolution
Empire / Slavery
Key Terms
Name the monarch (king/queen) who started a civil war within England AND who was he married to?

Charles I - Henrietta Maria


Who was the first President of the United States of America?

George Washington


Who was the King of France during the French Revolution? (number and roman numerals)

Louis XVI (16th)

What does the term abolition mean?

The action of getting rid of (removing) a system, practice or institution


What is the Ancient Regime?

A name for the 1st and 2nd Estates that held all the power in France


How did Charles I raise money when Parliament refused to give him any?

Ship Tax - typically collected from coastal towns but Charles collected from all counties (upsetting everyone)

Knightly Fees - Had to pay to be a Knight and had to pay if you refused to be a knight


In 1765 the British placed a Stamp Act on the 13 colonies (they were angry and did not want to pay without a say in Parliament). What famous slogan emerged after this...

No taxation without representation


How many people were killed by the guillotine during the Reign of Terror?



Name the three places involved in the Slave Triangle

Britain - West Africa - West Indies or America


A ________ is a country or area under full control of another country or monarch


What was it called when Charles I ruled without the help of Parliament? How many years did it last for?

Personal rule - 11 years


What happened at the Battle of Yorktown 1781? (strategy, who won/lost)

British were defeated by America

British moved onto a small island waiting for supplies, Americans had help from the French by land and sea.


How many people belonged to the 3rd Estate?

25 million


What does the "middle passage" refer to?

The journey from West Africa to the West Indies, where slaves were densely packed onto ships.


A ________ is someone who is killed because of their religious beliefs.



The public suspected Charles I was a secret Catholic. What changes to the church did he make during his reign?

Lauding reforms - bell ringing, group worship, church decorations

New prayer book - Scotland invades England

After the American Revolution, what problems still remained for Native Americans (Indigenous People)
Lost 99% of their land, can't afford land, black people were still enslaved

What happened involving the Bastille on 14 July 1789? 

A mob broke into the Bastille prison in the heart of Paris - stealing weapons and releasing political prisoners


"Mrs. Williams was a kind hearted good woman, and she treated her slaves well. She only had one daughter, Miss Betsy, for whom I was purchased, and whom was about my own age."

The first hand account of Mary Prince. Mary Prince, The History of Mary Prince, A West Indian Slave. (1831)

Mary Prince, The History of Mary Prince, A West Indian Slave. (1831)


"I was a house servant - a situation preferable to that of a field hand, as I was better fed, better clothed, and not obliged to rise at the ringing of the bell, but half an hour later."

The first hand account of William Well Brown, from Lexington Kentucky. Explained in his autobiography, Narrative of William W Brown, A fugitive slave (1847)

Narrative of William W Brown, A fugitive slave (1847)


Leading up to the English Civil war, there was a period of Short and Long Parliament, explain the difference between the two.

Short Parliament - after 11 years of personal rule Charles I brings Parliament back for only a few weeks before getting rid of it

Long Parliament - Charles I brings Parliament back, they remain in session for 20 years on/off


Recall the "Join or Die" cartoon that Benjamin Franklin sent out to the 13 colonies. What message was intended by the image of the cut up snake?

Apart, they do not stand a chance at defeating the British. Together, united they are strong.


What was the Tennis Court Oath

The Third Estate swore an oath that they would not be disbanded (break apart) until a new Constitution in France was created, improving the rights of people.


What was the name of the first company in Britain that dealt with selling enslaved Africans.

Company of Royal Adventurers Trading into Africa


What is the Court of the Star Chamber (English Civil War). Bonus if you can tell me who Charles I placed on trial there...

The Kings own personal court where he would put people on trial - The King had John Pyrnne inprisoned and his ears cut off.