Middle Ages
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This system of land ownership and duties was the dominant social structure in medieval Europe.

What is feudalism?


This non-religious term, meaning is used as a secular alternative to BC.

What is BCE?


This medieval English legend features a heroic outlaw who "robs from the rich and gives to the poor."

Who is Robin Hood?


This ancient civilization, known for its pyramids and pharaohs, flourished along the Nile River.

What is Ancient Egypt?


This planet is known as the "Red Planet" due to its reddish appearance.

What is Mars?


These fortified structures were built by nobles for protection and as a symbol of power during the Middle Ages.

What are castles?


This type of source includes original documents, objects, or other evidence created at the time under study.

What is a primary source?


This knightly contest involved mounted combat between two knights using lances.

What is a joust?


This British explorer is famous for his voyages to the Pacific Ocean and the mapping of lands such as New Zealand and the east coast of Australia.

Who is Captain James Cook?


This singer is known as the "King of Pop" and released the album "Thriller."

Who is Michael Jackson?


This institution, centered in monasteries and convents, preserved much of the knowledge and literature of the ancient world through the Dark Ages.

What is the Christian Church?


This type of evidence is based on spoken traditions and accounts, often passed down through generations.

What is oral history?


These traveling musicians and poets entertained courts and castles with their songs and stories.

What are troubadours?


This ancient trade route connected China with the Mediterranean and facilitated the exchange of goods, culture, and ideas.

What is the Silk Road?


This Italian dish typically consists of flattened dough topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and various toppings.

What is Pizza?


This medieval code of conduct dictated the behavior of knights, emphasizing bravery, honor, and respect for women and the weak.

What is chivalry?


This process involves identifying the point of view of a source to better understand its reliability.

What is bias analysis?


This religious group, accused of causing the Black Death by poisoning wells, faced persecution and mass killings across Europe. 

Who were the Jews?


This ancient city-state is known for its development of democracy and its contributions to art, philosophy, and science.

What is Athens?


This force keeps planets in orbit around the sun and makes objects fall to the ground.

What is Gravity?


This battle, fought in 1066, resulted in William the Conqueror becoming the king of England.

What is the Battle of Hastings?


The switch from BC to AD and BCE to CE occurs around this approximate year, considered the birth year of Jesus.

What is year 1?


The Black Death is caused by this bacterium, which is transmitted to humans through infected fleas.

What is Yersinia pestis?


This civilization, located in present-day Mexico, is famous for its pyramids, calendar, and hieroglyphic writing system.

What is the Maya civilization?


This gas makes up about 78% of the Earth's atmosphere.

What is nitrogen?