Australian Government
Australian Political Parties
Influencing Voters
Australian Courts
Laws and the Legal System

Who is the current Prime Minister of Australia?

Anthony Albanese


What are the four biggest political parties in Australia?

The Australian Labor Party,

The Liberal Party of Australia,

The Nationals, and

The Australian Greens


Name two ways that voters can be influenced

Any two of the following:

1. Public Debate
2. Media (including social media)
3. Opinion Polls
4. Advertising
5. Interest Groups
6. Important Issues
7. Party Loyalty


What is the highest court in Australia?

The High Court


What is a statutory law?

A law made by passing a bill in parliament.


How many seats are there in the Senate and the House of Representatives?

Bonus 20pts: in which house is government formed and how many seats need to be won to form majority government?

76 and 151

Bonus: HoR and 76 seats


What is the goal of a political party?

To have their members elected into office and form government.

What is a political campaign?

A political campaign is an organized effort to influence the decision-making process within a specific group, often leading up to an election.


What court deals with minor civil disputes in Australia?

Bonus 20pts: Is it a state or federal court?

The Magistrate's Court 

Bonus: state


What is the difference between criminal law and civil law?

Criminal law deals with behaviors that are offenses against the state or public, while civil law deals with disputes between individuals or organizations.


What are the three levels of government in Australia?

Federal, State, and Local.


What is the main focus of the Australian Greens party?

Environmental issues, social justice, and sustainability


How do public opinion polls influence political strategies during a campaign?

Public opinion polls provide insights into voters’ preferences and concerns, allowing campaigns to tailor their messages, focus on key issues, and allocate resources effectively to sway undecided voters.


What types of cases does the Family Court of Australia handle?

The Family Court handles cases related to family law, such as divorce, child custody, and property settlements.


What is the presumption of innocence?

It is the principle that a person is considered innocent until proven guilty.


What is the point of separation of powers?

Bonus 20pts: What are the three branches?

separation of powers divides the government into three branches to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.

Bonus: legislative, executive, and judicial


What is the process for forming a coalition government in Australia, and why might political parties choose to do this?

A coalition government is formed when two or more political parties agree to work together to achieve a majority in the House of Representatives. Parties might choose to form a coalition to combine their strengths, share resources, and increase their chances of forming a stable government, especially if no single party has won a majority of seats.


What is the role of social media in modern political campaigns?

Social media platforms are used to engage with voters, spread political messages, organize events, and sometimes spread misinformation.


What is a jury?

A jury is a group of people selected to hear evidence in a trial and make a decision based on that evidence.


Law developed by judges through decisions in individual court cases, forming a body of precedents is called what?

Common Law


Describe the preferential voting system used in Australian elections.

Voters rank candidates in order of preference. If no candidate receives a majority of first preference votes, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated and their votes are redistributed until a candidate achieves a majority.


What is the purpose of party manifestos?

Party manifestos outline the policies and plans a political party intends to implement if they are elected to government.


Explain the dangers of social media to democracy.

Social media can harm democracy by spreading false information, creating echo chambers where people only hear similar views, and allowing interference in elections.


What role does the appeals process play in addressing miscarriages of justice?

The appeals process allows convicted individuals to challenge their conviction and seek a review or reversal if there is evidence of a mistake or unfair trial.


What is the significance of the rule of law in a democracy?

The rule of law ensures that all individuals and institutions are accountable to the same set of laws, safeguarding equality and justice.