Lab equipment
Lab safety
Energy Transformations
Energy and matter
Heat Transfer

Lab equipment which is drawn in diagrams like this

What is a funnel?


The number of science labs in GHS

What is 5?


This kind of power plant is an example of something which can change gravitational potential energy into electrical energy

What is a hydroelectric dam?


This state of matter is when the particles are moving very very fast

What is a gas?


Plastic, wool, and rubber are materials that have this property (I__________)

What is an insulator?


Lab equipment that is placed on top of a tripod

What is a gauze mat?


These gas taps are currently switched to...

What is on?


This projectile weapon works by turning elastic potential energy into kinetic energy

What is a bow and arrow?


This word describes the process of a liquid changing states, into a gas

What is evaporation?


This kind of heat transfer is how the sun keeps us warm

What is radiation?


A long, cylindrical piece of glass lab equipment that must be used when heating small amounts of liquid

What is a boiling tube?


Fire from a bunsen burner set up like this will be this (three adjectives)

What is blue, hot, and hard to see?


This type of energy is useful when it's your phone doing it, but not useful when a petrol engine is doing it

What is sound energy?


This word, starting with v, describes what atoms are doing in a solid, and do more of as they heat up

What is vibrating?


This kind of heat transfer happens through direct contact - metals are particularly good at it

What is conduction?


The best piece of equipment for measuring out precise quantities of liquid

What is a measuring cylinder?


If you splash hydrochloric acid on your hand, you should immediately do this

What is diluting/washing it out with lots of cool water?


This rule about energy - the "C________ of energy", says you can't make or destroy energy, just change it into different kinds

What is conservation of energy?


The units to measure energy - whether it's how much you need to heat up water, or how much is in an energy drink

What are joules/kilojoules/calories?


This "secret ingredient" in double-glazed windows and Pink Batts is an excellent insulator - but only when you can keep it close!

What is air?


Name three pieces of lab equipment which are not in the shelves under Mx's desk

Beakers, Measuring cylinders, heat mats, tripods, gauze mats


Name 4 classroom expectations (for any classroom) that ensure lab safety as well

Push chairs in, keep bags out of the way, no running, don't mess with equipment, listen when instructions are given, clean up after yourself, no food or drink, etc etc


These four energy transformations happen when you eat food, digest it, then pedal on a bike hooked to a turbine and make a light glow

What is chemical potential > kinetic > electric > light?


These three kinds of energy are also called "stored" energy (G_____, C______, E______)

What are gravitational, chemical, and elastic?


This form of heat transfer is minimised the most, when you add insulation into the roof of your house

What is heat loss through convection?