A mouse.
What is the first animal Lennie pets to death?
The character who, bearing a lot of similarities to Holden, suffers abuse by schoolmates, refuses to back down, and falls to his death.
Who is James Castle?
What is the short form of English as a Second Language?
The name of the stable hand who lives separate from the others on grounds of race.
Who is Crooks?
Holden's safe, unchangeable place.
What is a museum?
A simplified (basic) mix of two (or more) languages.
What is a pidgin?
We are never told.
What is Curley's wife's name?
An object of great symbolic value, that Holden wears.
What is the red hunting hat?
The technique of framing the story by beginning and ending in the clearing.
What is circular composition?
The technique used by Steinbeck to make his dialogue sound more authentic.
What is sound-spelling?