Industrial Revolution
Convicts and Colonisation
The Transatlantic Slave Trade
Modern History
Ancient History

Due to rapid urbanization, this environmental problem became widespread in cities, leading to health issues and epidemics.

Poor Sanitation and/or Pollution


Convicts on ships faced overcrowding, poor ventilation, and disease. This illness, caused by a lack of vitamin C, was common during the voyage.



Enslaved people often endured long hours of grueling work in fields, with minimal rest and this type of harsh physical punishment for disobedience or perceived infractions.

Flogging or whipping


This 1963 speech by Martin Luther King Jr., delivered during the March on Washington, is famous for its call for racial equality and justice.

I Have a Dream


This young pharaoh, whose nearly intact tomb was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter, became famous for his treasures and the curse associated with his tomb.

Tutankhamun (King Tut)


This major infrastructure advancement in the 19th century helped transport goods and people across long distances, connecting cities and industries.



Convicts who were well-behaved and completed their sentences could be granted this, allowing them to live as free settlers in Australia.

Ticket of Leave


During the Middle Passage, mortality rates were high due to disease, starvation, and abuse. On average, this percentage of enslaved individuals did not survive the voyage.



This South African leader, who was imprisoned for 27 years, became the first black President of South Africa in 1994.

Nelson Mandela


This ancient Roman structure, known for its large dome and oculus, was originally built as a temple and now serves as a church.

The Pantheon


This new social class, made up of factory owners, merchants, and professionals, emerged and gained influence during the Industrial Revolution.

Middle Class


This was the length of time it typically took for a convict ship to travel from Britain to Australia during the 18th and 19th centuries.

8-10 months


The journey of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas was considered the hardest part of the journey, known as...

The Middle Passage


This 1914-1918 conflict, also known as "The Great War," was triggered by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

World War 1


This Greek goddess of wisdom, warfare, and crafts was born fully grown and armored from the head of Zeus.



This Scottish inventor is known for designing the Spinning Jenny, a machine that greatly increased textile production.

James Hargreaves


These small, often handmade items were sent by convicts to their loved ones as symbols of affection and hope, and they were commonly made from materials like bone, wood, or metal

Love Tokens


In 1781, this British slave ship became infamous for the mass murder of enslaved Africans after its crew threw them overboard to claim insurance money.

The Zong


This 1929 economic downturn began with a stock market crash and led to widespread global economic hardship.

The Great Depression


This iconic Roman structure, known for its large, open arena and gladiatorial contests, was completed under Emperor Titus in AD 80.



This invention by James Watt improved an existing engine design and revolutionized industries like mining and textiles.

Steam Engine


The arrival of Europeans brought new diseases like these, which devastated Indigenous populations with no immunity.

Small Pox, measles and/or the common cold 


European ships traveled to Africa carrying (1)_________, which were traded for enslaved people.
Enslaved people transported to the Americas were forced to work on plantations producing these crops (2)_______, (3)________, and (4)________, which were then shipped to Europe  

(1) Manufactured goods 

(2,3,4) Sugar, Tobacco and Cotton


The first atomic bomb used in warfare was dropped on this Japanese city on August 6, 1945, leading to Japan's eventual surrender.



This network of trade routes connected China with the Mediterranean, facilitating the exchange of goods, culture, and ideas.

The Silk Road