Mental Health
Party Drugs
Munchin' & Crunchin'
List 2 barriers to a young person seeking help for a mental health concern.
embarrassment, fear of what others may think, fear of how others may treat them, unsure of who to see, lack of culturally sensitive service.
What are intimate relationships?
Loving, close relationship with a partner.
Most party drug act upon the body as a ...
2 dietary guidelines for Adolescents and Young Adults
Eat plenty of vegetables, legumes and fruits • Eat plenty of cereals (including breads, rice, pasta and noodles), preferably wholegrain • Include lean meat, fish, poultry and/or alternatives • Include milks, yoghurts, cheeses and/or alternatives. Reduced-fat milks are not suitable for young children under 2 years, because of their high energy needs, but reduced-fat varieties should be encouraged for older children and adolescents • Choose water as a drink and care should be taken to: • Limit saturated fat and moderate total fat intake. Low-fat diets are not suitable for infants • Choose foods low in salt • Consume only moderate amounts of sugars and foods containing added sugars
what is bipolar disorders?
Mental illness - extreme moods (very high, over excited and manic to very low and depressed) – reckless, feel helpless and depressed, have difficulty making decisions/concentrating.
What are the symptoms of depression? (2)
- lowering of mood for longer than 2 weeks, feeling extremely sad, disturbed sleep patters, loss of interest/motivation, feeling guilty (with no reason), loss of pleasure.
List 4 qualities of an intimate relationship.
o trust o good communication o compatibility o acceptance o compassion o empathy o share responsibility for important decisions.
2 examples of party drugs
Ecstasy, cocaine, LSD, Magic mushrooms, Ketamine, crystal meth, ice
What nutrient provides most of our energy needs
An advantage and disadvantage of using a condom as a contraceptive device.
Advantage - effective at preventing a pregnancy, easy to use/obtain/cheap, effective at preventing STI transmission for most STIs. Disadvantage - if not used correctly they are ineffective, can diminish sexual experience so may not want to use it, have an expiry date.
3 strategies for helping a friend who is experiencing an episode of mental illness.
talk things over, respect their right to not talk about everything, sit/be with them, encourage to seek help, talk to their family, encourage them to get out socially when well/able, get informed so you understand.
Name 3 different forms of contraception and an example of each.
• Barrier - Condom Diaphragm • Natural Method – abstinence, rhythm method. • Sterilisation – vasectomy males, female sterilization (blocking/cutting fallopian tubes) • Hormone Implants – IUD (intrauterine device), Inplanon • Chemical – all forms of the Pill, hormonal implants all stop ovulation
Name 3 influences on young people's decision about using/not using drugs.
family, friends, peers, media.
for the following nutrients list - role and examples of sources. Protein, Fibre, Vitamins
Protein - cellular growth and repair - lean meat, chicken, fish, dairy & eggs. FIBRE - ensures effective digestive system function - nuts/seeds/ skins of fruit & vegetables, wholegrain foods. VITAMINS - perform specific roles in the body - fruit and vegetables.
List 2 STIs where this is no known cure.
HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B & C, genital warts, herpes
What is a psychotic mental illness?
When individual is unable to distinguish what is real, there is a loss of contact with reality.
What STI is on the increase in alarming number in the populations group 15 - 25yrs. Why is this of concern.
Chlamydia - lead to infertility.
4 strategies to use if drugs offered to you.
Be assertive and say no, become well informed and know the risks that way less likely to engage in the risk taking behavior if fully aware of consequences, change friendships groups to be with more like minded young people. Talk with an adult you trust, if at a situation and party drug are being used and you feel uncomfortable leave
How many servings of grain, lean meats/poultry/fish, dairy should a young person have each day.
2 short term and 2 long term effects of taking ecstasy
short term - elevated heart rate & pulse, flushing, desire to seek beauty and express love, sweating, dehydration, nausea, jaw clenching, teeth grinding, loss of appetite Long term - permanent damage to brain cells, liver damage, delusions, panic attacks, depression
5 strategies to look after your own well being.
learn and practise to be resilient, anger management techniques and stress management strategies. Challenge negative self talk, know and use your strengths, practise mindfulness (live in the present). Look after your health - good nutrition, plenty of physical activity, spend time with the people you care about.
In sexual relations how can you ensure that you do not have an unplanned pregnancy nor contract an STI
Abstain from sexual activity.
Define tolerance and dependance
dependent - require drug to feel ‘normal’ Tolerance - require higher dose of the drug for the same effect as they do not respond in the way they used to from the original dose
Name the 5 main segments of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating Plate
Grain, Vegetables and legumes/beans, fruit, milk-yoghurt-chees and/or alternative-mostly reduced fat, lean meats and poultry-fish-eggs-tofu-nuts and seeds-legumes/beans.
what are the capital cities of the following 5 countries. Czech Republic (p), Germany (B), Malaysia (K L), , Philippines (M), Iraq (B)
Prague, Berlin, Kuala Lumpur, Manilla, Baghdad