Gatsby was in love with this character.
Who killed Gatsby?
George Wilson
Then thousand eyes were on him as he rubbed his hands with dirt;/Five thousand tongues applauded when he wiped them on his shirt
Casey at the Bat
This word was repeatedly uttered by the Raven
Who poisoned the family with arsenic?
Who was the last person to stab Caesar?
This was Gatsby's real name.
James Gatz
Where did Tom & Daisy live?
East Egg
Good fences make good neighbours
The Mending Wall
This young maiden lived and died in a kingdom by the sea
Annabele Lee
What was Merricat's cat's name?
Who tells Caesar to beware of the ides of March?
This is the phrase Gatsby often used when referring to other men.
Old Sport
Who was driving the car that hit Myrtle?
It launched forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself
The Noiseless Patient Spider
The narrator in “Annabel Lee” believed this was the reason she died.
Jealous Angels
At the end of the book, where did Merricat tell Constance they were living?
on the moon
Which character says, "Et tu, Brute?"
Where was Gatsby's house located?
West Egg
Where did Myrtle and George live?
The Valley of Ashes
Beside the white chickens
The Red Wheelbarrow
These 2 devices were used extensively in “The Raven”
Repetition & Alliteration
How did Uncle Julian die?
Heart attack after the fire
How does Portia die?
swallows hot coals
How did Gatsby make his fortune?
What color was the light at the end of Daisy's dock?
And then-Excuse from Pain
The Heart asks Pleasure first
The bust of this Greek goddess is where the raven sat.
Pallas (Athena)
This is the author of the story.
Shirley Jackson
This character makes a speech after Caesar's murder that gains the sympathy of the citizens.