I want go to the store.
I want [to] go to the store.
L8 - Who is Kato Kento?
What was the day and date yesterday?
Sunday, March 16th (sixteenth)
Mt. Fuji is the tallest mountain in the world. True or False
False - Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world
(誘い) We go karaoke!
[Let's] go [to] karaoke!
L8 - What has made AI advance?
(the technology)"Deep Learning" (has.)
What time do you usually go to sleep?
I usually go to sleep at _______.
About how tall is Sarah?
158 cm [5' 2"]
She knows the place where we go tomorrow.
She knows the place we [will] go to tomorrow.
L7 - 'Glocal' is coined from what two words?
Global and Local
What is the seventh month of the year?
I'm in my room study for my exam tomorrow.
I'm in my room study[ing] for my exam tomorrow.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
L7- What was the name of Yamada's car?
Write three words that rhyme 'door'
floor, poor, for, more, score, your, etc.
What month(s) have 28 days?
A) February
B) July
C) all of them
D) December
C) all of them
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, Septmeber, October, November, December
Write your own sentence using:
If I __________________________, I would ____________________________.
Ex: If I had studied more, I would have passed the exam.
Ex: If I was rich, I would travel and eat lots of food.
How do you say more than one person?
What does SDGs stand for?
Sustainable Development Goals
How do you say this number: 96,356
ninety-six thousand, three hundred (and) fifty-six
Which one is the largest desert in the world?
A) Saharan Desert
B) Antarctica Desert
C) Arabian Desert
B) Antarctica Desert - 14,200,000 km2